Has anyone experienced weird throat pain, like your throat is shrinking and there’s something in it? Don’t know how to explain the feeling properly, but it really bothers and scares me.
Throat pain anyone? : Has anyone experienced... - Anxiety Support
Throat pain anyone?

yes, that’s what causes most of my anxiety. i’ll have throat pain, which will trigger breathing problem, and then triggers an attack. i keep reading about doing deep breathing exercises and relax muscle exercises, but sometimes they doesn’t work and it makes my anxiety eirse
This pain I have is a constant pain in the troat. Like something is my Adam’s apple. Breathing exercises don’t help it. I don’t know if I should see a doctor or they will just brush me off saying ‘’it’s due to your anxiety’’
Have you had medical check regarding your pain?
I went to the doctor because of my throat and had an ultrasound of it. Throat was fine. Thyroid and muscles were fine too. My doctor said it was anxiety. This was two years ago though, when I was first diagnosed with Anxiety with Somatization. It eventually went away, but now i’m suffering from anxiety again, and dealing with the throat pain issue. I went the ER in October for a severe panic attack, but all my test results came back fine (except the EKG, that was abnormal, but I have tachycardia). Try drinking Natural Calm magnesium drink. Magnesium is good for relaxing muscles in the body. It helps a bit
Thank you. I have thyroid issues but keep those in check with medication. I will see if it continues, and then go to the doctor’s. My family is going nuts about me and hospital visits, so I’m ashamed of even telling them that I need to check something again. I will try Magnesium, thank you on suggestion.
Yes I have this pain at the moment, like glands are constantly swollen and tight. I keep thinking I should see Dr and have it checked out but my husband thinks I see the Dr too much already - health anxiety is very frustrating and debilitating! I find I need to keep telling myself that God is looking after me and everything will be ok, even if I die, it will be ok lol!!
It’s so much frustrating right?! I’m ashamed to say to my family that I have to go and see one more doctor! I’m also trying to pray and hope for the best but deep down I’m still scared to leave the house, to go to exercise, to go to college etc. because I have this constant fear of dying. Literally thinking that I am going to die!
Yep, me too. I have to keep telling myself that dying isn't the worst thing that can happen for a Christian, but the fear and physical symptoms keep coming back. Just when I think I've got over one symptom a new one appears! I'm slowly learning to "trust and not be afraid" but it's a slooow process!!