Hello all
I wondered if any of you have been diagnosed with globus. If so, :
-Do any of you experience it as a sharp, pricking foreign body sensation and NOT a lump (like you're going to cry)?
-Get throat pain and burning sensations as well as the pricking/stabbing?
-Feel like something is moving around your throat/oesophagus which moves when you eat and drink
I ask because I swallowed a fishbone a few months ago and have been really ill ever since (temperature, not feeling right, chest pain etc) and feel as though it's been stuck in my throat and oesophagus. They've done all the tests and diagnosed it as globus however everything I've read says globus is a lump in the throat, not a pricking sensation.
This experience combined with my anxiety means I feel like I am being slowly tortured and I cannot concentrate on anything. I feel like the doctors have missed something as I don't understand how I can be having a temperature, burning neck and oesophagus, pain when swallowing and a pricking sensation when there is nothing there.
All of this has had a terrible affect on my (already poor) mental health and I am a walking wreck. I started sertraline this morning. Thank you for your help x