Hello all. I've been dealing with this for about 10 months now, but I've had standard anxiety all my life. For some background context, I'm 25, self-employed, and write books for a living. I spend upwards of 10-15 hours every day staring at screens for writing, relaxation, and everything in between.
Last June when all of this started, I was under severe stress. Anxiety over some minor health things (I found a few cysts) built up for about 7 months prior to this series of meltdowns. I had set an absurd goal to write, edit and publish three books in one month. Which I accomplished. I spent very little time outdoors, and was staring at my 30-something inch TV all day as I was using it as a monitor.
Once all this had ended, I felt like I walked out of a bubble. I had absolutely no idea what to do with myself. I had light sensitivity at that point, my anxiety was easily triggered, my vision was blurry, and I experienced my first actual panic attack about two weeks later. Ever since that month, I have had 24/7 lightheadedness / off-balance / faintness feeling, and it never goes away. It will lessen or heighten in severity throughout the day.
Since then I have been to three eye doctors, an ENT, a neurologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, and 2 gastroenterologists. I've had at least a dozen blood tests, three eye exams, an abdominal CT, EEG, EKG, chest x-ray, balance test, audio tests, and probably a couple other tests that I'm forgetting.
My full range of symptoms include 24/7 lightheadedness/off-balance/faintness, nausea, blurry vision and trouble focusing, lack of appetite, gas and bowel changes, constant weak and/or heavy legs and arms, tinnitus, jaw clenching, depersonalization and derealization, and probably a few others I'm forgetting.
All of my tests said always come back fine. I have trouble seeing at a distance and other than that my eyes are perfectly fine. I do not have Lyme disease. My tyroid has been tested at least 10 times and as always come back fine. My neurologist told me that not only is my brain healthy, but judging by how I was talking to him, he said I would live to be 120. No known diseases run in my family, though my sister has a thryoid issue, and we have a family history of acid reflux issues.
I have considered and worried about every illness you could think of, and I have a history of hypochondria. I accept that I have anxiety and it causes tons of symptoms, but I have tremendous difficulty believing it's causing ALL of my symptoms. My primary concerns are autoimmune diseases, as I don't really think what I have is related to brain issues, Vertigo, or other typical causes. I have also considered that eye strain may be contributing to my problems, but two of my eye doctors told me eye strain is a myth, and the third refused to tell me if I had it at all.
Can any of you relate to this 24/7 feeling of you're about to faint? If so, what did it turn out to be? I am not content and I am in no way looking for pity. I'm looking for answers. I want to kick this thing in the ass, but I can't do that unless I know 100% what I'm dealing with. I'm at my wits end here and I don't really know what to think this is anymore. Additionally, I do not take medication nor am I open to it. I'm almost finished getting my medical marijuana card, and that will be the only form of medication I plan on taking.