Suffering from CONSTANT lightheadedness/of... - Anxiety Support

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Suffering from CONSTANT lightheadedness/off balance/spacey/dizziness sensation

rachel913 profile image
16 Replies

Hi there, I'm 24 years old.

I have suffered from health anxiety, depression, mild OCD, PTSD, and agoraphobia for the past couple years. Only the past year have I been consistently dizzy/off balance/lightheaded/spacey 24/7 without any answers with no other diagnosis than anxiety and depression. It's like I'm constantly moving internally but nothing is moving externally, I suppose. I have had all tests possible done - Blood work, CT scan, ENT tests/hearing tests, PCP visits, Eye doctor exams, hormone testing, Hospital visits, Urgent care visits, numerous EKG's, and a chest x-ray. I am having an extremely difficult time accepting anxiety and depression as the root cause of this consistent feeling that will NOT lift. I can't accept the fact that I have nothing wrong with me when I feel awful 24/7. For about 6 months I had constant debilitating panic attacks which have seemed to have lifted once I started taking Escitalopram, but the dizziness feeling is still there. I have been on Escitalopram for almost a year. Looking for support, advice, or to find people who share similar experiences. I can't live like this anymore. I have withdrawn myself entirely from social outings, restaurants, and I am in my room a lot of the time because laying down seems to be the most comforting position for this feeling (even though it never lifts entirely). Going into stores is a very minimal and quick outing, I recently just got offered a job and start this coming Monday and am terrified I won't be able to do this because of my lack of social engagement over the past year along with these debilitating symptoms and anxiety. Can anyone PLEASE share similar experiences or words of advice, I would be eternally grateful.

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rachel913 profile image
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16 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Welcome rachel913 to the Anxiety Support Group. You will find that all of us can relate to your symptoms and what you are going through. I went through severe anxiety and agoraphobia and know how scary and difficult it can be. Test after test and nothing but Anxiety as the diagnosis. I too am on Escitalopram and have found it to be an excellent drug for me with no tiredness. I understand everything you are saying from the stores, restaurant to pulling away from social gatherings. Not trusting our own bodies anymore. Let me tell you that this isn't forever. With the help and support of the forum you will learn different methods of conquering anxiety once and for all. You will be a better person for having gone through this.

Take one step at a time, we will help you through. I have a whole bag of tricks that I used to get me where I am today. Back out driving, socializing and feeling comfortable in my own skin. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't want to bombard you with a lot the first day. But know you are never alone, we are here for each other 24/7. My best to you Rachel xx

rachel913 profile image
rachel913 in reply to Agora1


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post. It is completely discouraging with the negative test results.. it's almost as if I want there to be something wrong with me so there is a distinct and clear diagnosis with a quick fix, but there never is with this. Escitalopram is great, it has curbed my panic attacks almost 100% but I unfortunately am tired on it. But I'd rather be tired than freaking out in utter panic all the time ha ha. Once again, thank you for your response xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to rachel913

Stay positive Rachel, it will get better. I remember feeling the same in that none of the tests showed anything significant. Afraid of something serious but yet wishing it were something that could be fixed.

But you know what? Anxiety issues can be fixed by Acceptance. Accepting that what we are sensing is all coming from the negative thoughts in our mind. I refer to it as the Anxiety Bully. He lies in order to get us to believe we cannot go out, we cannot socialize. The dizziness, swaying like on a boat are all a game to this bully. Those negative thoughts can cause all kinds of physical interactions known as the Mind/Body Connection.

Physically what happens when we fear fear is that the adrenaline spikes causing these odd physical sensations. We hyperventilate, we mouth breath, we are forever in a tense state exaggerated by oversensitized nervous system. When we feel off balance, we brace ourselves, jutting the head and neck forward, shoulders up to our ears, either holding our breath or shallow breathing and then we wonder why we are feeling lightheaded.

There is so much more that others will get into as well as myself. But for now, know that it is not a hopeless cause. You will be okay. We are all together in this and together we will all go forward. Hugs, xx

Idalmis profile image

I couldn’t believe my gp who said all my physical symptoms were anxiety. How could that be possible? He’d missed something. I was dying from some awful illness and he wasn’t listening. I reluctantly started sertraline which took its time to work but I feel better. Like you, from being an outgoing extrovert person, i retreated in my bedroom and spent hours inputting my symptoms and finding illnesses which terrified me. I am a teacher and I felt so unbalanced and nauseous I couldn’t continue. I have a month off and everyday is a bit better. I went out for lunch with my daughter yesterday and enjoyed the outing. I note how I feel everyday on waking and I can see progress.You will get there. Have faith.

rachel913 profile image
rachel913 in reply to Idalmis

Google is my best friend and my worst enemy at the same time.. I've resorted to the internet because I simply do not believe my gp as to how these symptoms are solely anxiety based, even when I don't feel physically anxious all the time anymore. Best of luck to you on this journey xx

I feel like doctors say it's anxiety to make things easy on themselves, I know its a broad disorder and it is probably related in some way but it really doesn't help..

I can really relate to what you have posted but I'm in and out of panic attack right now so cant type much.

noemikahle profile image

I have the exact same issue. My panic attacks are held at bay by my meds but I still have this annoying swaying on the boat feeling most days. I do function pretty well with it since I accepted it and it does not lead to panic. However I would love to get rid of it since it does make me nauseous and exhausted. I noticed that when I am standing I am always wanting to hold onto things which is pretty bad considering I am a PT. You are not alone and just know this is just a feeling and try to distract yourself as much as possible. I thought I couldn’t go back to work and now I have besn back to full time for about six months.

rachel913 profile image
rachel913 in reply to noemikahle

Wow, I can relate so very much. Whenever I'm walking around I try to rest on things or hold onto whatever I can. Even when I shower I hold onto the top of the shower bar for comfort. I've never once fallen, but it's the constant swaying/boat like feeling makes me so uncomfortable and makes me not trust my own body. I am truly exhausted all of the time. That's amazing you've been back to work for about 6 months, congrats! xx

noemikahle profile image
noemikahle in reply to rachel913

Thanks. We should def let each other know if we find any answers to this swaying feeling.

in reply to noemikahle

Hi, I am new to this and just reading your comment about the swaying/on the boat feeling. I can totally relate to this. Every step I take I feel like Thr ground is moving up and down with me. It started at the weekend there and It has made me scared, exhausted with fear and overthinking. I have suffered with anxiety for years but I am in control of it after the length of time I have suffered. This weekend just knocked me down completely. Ive been crying constantly, had headaches like a pressure in my head, legs feel like jelly, spent most of the time googling my synptoms which has scared me slightly too. I went to the doctors yesterday and he has agreed to send me for a CT scan which is now scaring me more. I just cant stop thinking negatively and feel like this sudden new synptom is something a lot more serious than anxiety. Also because I have been feeling really tired and legs feel weak and like jelly along with the off balance/on a boat feeling. I have 2 beautiful daughters who I absolutely love to bits and keep just thinking what if somethings seriously wrong with me? My partner has been amazing putting up with my crying and just not being myself at all since Thursday now. I run my own cleaning business which has been stressful for me at times i’m not sure if its all got too much. I am in the process of hiring staff so that i can take a step back and not have to go out and work every day while feeling so bad. Hoping I can get this sorted so that I can take time for just me and focus on feeling better - i’m hoping it is just anxiety and I will eventually cope and handle it the way I did with my other symptoms and panic attacks over the years. Its so draining 😢

noemikahle profile image
noemikahle in reply to

I totally get what you are feeling. I was where you are 2 years ago. I felt like my legs were jello and I was non functional. I got better with meds and therapy. I am on amytryptaline which actually did help this swaying feeling. I still get the feeling especially when I am tired but now I don’t panic about it, I can manage. I am happy and functional now. I do wonder if this feeling has to do with hormones ( worse around my period), migraines ( I get them as well) med side effect or inner ear stuff. You will get through this, if you need to talk to me, I am around.

in reply to noemikahle

Thanks! Its the mix of both being off balance and having this tingling in my left foot, also the jelly legs feeling - I just keep googling, googling, googling and its making me feel worse. I keep thinking what if its not anxiety. I just dont get how I can feel like this for a whole week now constantly because of anxiety. I have been so tired this past week - last night is the first night I woke up through the night and my legs were so restless and could still feel buzzing and twitches in both legs. My partner keeps saying i’m bringing it on more by thinking the worst but I honestly cant help it. I have been thinking things like MS, its freaking me out so much thinking I have 2 beautiful girls who need me and a partner who is only 30 years old - how could I possibly expect them to deal with something like that? So thats just always on my mind. I cant stop crying im powering through and off to work at 11am today. Hoping I feel normal and can stop worrying soon. I am glad you feel better now than 2 years ago. I started therapy last week but the lady is on holiday for 2 weeks so next one isnt until the 30th 😔 thanks for listening xx

Ashley1489 profile image

Same here :/

JoMarie5 profile image

I can relate in every single way .

Jenn_12345 profile image

4 years later…. Has your anxiety or symptoms gotten any better? Or did it go away? I’ve had chest stabbings for about 5 months now, all day everyday. All the tests I’ve gotten done came back normal. & Dr’s think it’s just anxiety. Hard to believe though

gerrerd profile image

Hello Rachel, try potentials unlimited, get the relaxation download this will help you to relax and think clearly, then hayhouse online loads of programs to start to rebuild you and your life. Also nightingale connant online I would start with Dr Wayne Dyers programs, His teaching said my life and set me on the path to peace and happiness, if you want to go into more advance things go to Life tools online even more advanced Centerpoint research, Holosynce online, and sounds true online, there is enough help here to last you several lifetimes. Ray.

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