Hello Everyone,
How is it going? I am needing advice about buspirone. I recently have been switched from a very low dose of Sertraline to Buspirone 15 mg a half a pill twice a day. I have been on the buspirone for almost a month now...and just been weaned off of the Sertraline (half of 25 mg pill). I don't know why I am having a pins and needle feeling throughout my body! It started up about a couple of days ago. I would have the feeling on my scalp, my ears, my face, then my back, arms ,hands, buttocks, thighs, calves and my feet. The feeling moves all over. It's so strange to me and scary! Every oncevin a while I would feel numb in some areas, especially my thighs the remainder of my leg and foot (more on the right side) I've been to a neurologist and I was told that I do not have any evidence if nerve damage. Had a nerve conduction study done with no issues. I STILL need to get an MRI done though! They are so expensive! My primary care dr. switched me to Buspirone because I was having issues with the Sertraline...it was making me very very tired. And my blood pressure medication was recently switched from Valsartan to Telemisartan about a week ago. I am waiting for that to kick in to help my blood pressure. Anyways, I wanted to know if anyone is having issues with Buspirone causing them to have tingling or pins and needle feeling all over? This is so annoying to me! The buspirone is helping my anxiety a lot and it is not habit forming, which I really like! I just don't know if it's an allergic reaction that I am having? Idk if the buspirone is interacting with my other medications or vitamins? Idk if it's the anxiety or a symptom of it perhaps? I feel fine and not very stressed. I just want to know what is causing this tingling through out my body. Thank you so much for your responses.😁