Hi All,
Hope your all well, I was given long term steroids months ago which messed up my adrenal glands and set off what I believe is health anxiety. Anyhow I have been off the steroids for 6 weeks now. But I Keep feeling light headed and dizzy. I went to the docs yesterday and they put it down to the anxiety????? I said ermmmm no I don't even feel the anxiety because the light headed and dizzy comes on then I feel anxious. Not the other way rounds. I was away with the family today and all of a sudden I felt dizzy walking round the shop but there was no anxiety I didn't feel anxious or panicking just dizzy. The strange thing is I feel ok when driving. I don't know what to do. Is it the anxiety? Or is it still the effects of this prednisolone they put me on? Could it be a vertigo related condition. Seems the quacks always want to take the easy option they even want me to go see a therapist? Not sure what to do?????
Thanks for reading