Kinda dizzy I guess more so off balance and very light-headed constantly....why the hell does this happen if it would leave I'd feel amazing... But it won't go to hell where it belongs someone explain why I'm lightheaded and off balance I've done breathing exercises idk what to do anymore
Light-headed feel off balance : Kinda dizzy... - Anxiety Support
Light-headed feel off balance

Unsteadiness, dizziness, feeling dizzy or light-headed are common symptoms of stress, including the stress anxiety causes.
Anxiety causes the body to produce the stress response (also known as the fight or flight response). The stress response stresses the body. When the body becomes overly stressed, which is called stress-response hyperstimulation, the body can exhibit a wide variety of odd and unusual sensations and symptoms. The unsteadiness and light headed symptoms are some of them.
Because this unsteadiness symptom is just a symptom of elevated stress, it needn't be a cause for concern. It will subside when you reduce your stress and give your body ample time to calm down, usually 10 -15 minutes. As your body's stress returns to a more normal level, symptoms of stress subside, including the anxiety symptom unsteadiness. Therefore, this anxiety symptom needn't be a cause for concern.
Just acknowledge the feeling is there - this is acceptance.
I am like you - the breathing doesn't necessarily work all of the time but it's the best thing to do and worth practicing until you can do it on command.
The key thing to do is to identify the stressor and do something to reduce or eliminate it. The stressor could be some thought or something in the environment. As the saying goes, prevention is better than the cure.
Wow thank you for your reply.... Hugs
And for me it isn't just when I'm having a bad day with anxiety it happens randomly, comes in waves or suddenly then goes away, or can be constant throughout the day. Don't worry about it. I know it sounds silly but once you get you'd mind off of it it tends to go away.
I feel like you and I have been struggling with this symptom. I even started amytryptaline because it's supposed to help with the dizziness, off balance feeling. This feeling went away fir a week or so I felt so good and now it's back. I kind of accept it now and try not to get anxious over it. I will get my ears checked at some point since it has gotten worse since I flew back from MN last week. It does suck that I feel like I have to hold onto things and it makes me so exhausted.
Hi Ashley, I’m just wondering what you needed up doing about the lightheaded feelings? I have it all the time. Some days worse then others. I’m so confused. It usually happens when I’ve been running around at work for 4-5 hours and then when I sit I’m light headed or some days it just happens. Can you tell me what you did? Thanks