Everything focuses around cancer. Does anyone else slightly obsess or fear cancer?
Does anyone else worry about cancer? - Anxiety Support
Does anyone else worry about cancer?

Yes! Im constantly googling crazy things or symptoms
Yes, more so since my dad died from a brain tumour and because it seems its affecting everyone you know now.
I did when my dad was diagnosed with it two years ago. He got the all clear but has recently been diagnosed with something worse and I’m now petrified I have it/will get it.
All the time! I had friends who died of cancer so it scares the crap out of me! You just have to use wise mind theory and think your thought could be cancer but it could also all be in your head etc
Good luck
Yes most definitely.
Not cancer but everything else under the sun anxiety at its finest
Yes, constantly. I try and remind myself that I have a 1/3 lifetime chance of getting cancer and that it is more curable everyday. It is my #1 health anxiety issue.
Absolutely. I tend to forget about it and then a tv commercial will come on referring to it. It gives me anxiety almost to the panicky point.
All the time, I feel like it’s everywhere I look too... my health anxiety is so bad with me super scared I have a brain tumor at the moment. Too scared to go to the doctors it’s that bad
I Did At One Time... But ? I Had To Come To The Realization That If I Do ?* It's There Already. Not One Fear or/ Worry Is Gonna Change It... I Was Beating My Brains Out For No Really Good Reason. "I" Just made It Hard On Myself. If I Don't Have It ? GREAT !* Just Go To Your Doctor & Find Out. Ease Your Mind....