Feeling hurt today
Feel hurt and angry : Feeling hurt today - Anxiety Support
Feel hurt and angry
Why do you feel hurt today?
When people treat you like crap
It seems to be the norm just now Daisy, people feel they can get away with taking advantage of your good nature, they think they can use and abuse you with no comebacks, it really is difficult,I am now at the stage of walking away from my brother yet I know in my heart I can't do that to him! Even though my head tells me that I have to
He mybye doesn't mean too
He knows what he is doing is wrong but still does it, I made a post a few days ago or possibly months ago I just can't remember but I said something like this would happen! No on listened as per usual they wait until someone gets hurt before they react! That is people treating us as crap ! And unless we stand up and say ENOUGH is ENOUGH then it will stay the same ,we will be treated like crap
Sorry who has treated you like crap?
I have been so busy on the phone today, trying to help my Brother with learning disabilities, and now outbursts of violence, he is becoming a chore now rather than the way I used to feel about doing things to make his life easier!
Hi Daisycup. My advice ditch toxic people as all they do is make you anxious. Plenty of lovely people around xxx
Hi Daisycup, I've always been told to rise above it when this happens, and although it doesn't always work, I still try it by thinking of something nice. You are not alone. Take care.
I'm sorry your feeling hurt. Are you feeling any better, today? For me, sometimes a good night's rest and talking to a good, trustworthy friend help. I hope you are doing better and that you have a very good weekend!