I haven't posted for a bit as I've been feeling better and super busy. Some family drama and the holiday season have amped up the anxiety again. I've had some symptoms return...lightheadness, feeling of detachment, random tingling, muscle tension, feeling jittery and tired. I try really hard to relax but sometimes it just doesn't work. I hate feeling like this.
Another Set Back: I haven't posted for a bit... - Anxiety Support
Another Set Back
Don’t try to relax. Don’t try to do anything about the thoughts and feelings. You won’t get better until you stop trying to get better. It’s the “trying” that keeps anxiety hanging around. Just go with the flow and let your mind and body do what it wants to do. It is all part of the natural healing process and the trick is to step out of the way of yourself so recovery can take place.
Thank you! I try to keep remembering that. It’s just hard sometimes.
I hate it too. I’ve felt this way every single day for over a year. I have faith that one day I will feel like myself again! This group helps me a lot to see that there are others out there that experience the same symptoms as me. I mean, I hate that anybody feels like this at all but it helps to know I’m not alone!
First, I'm so glad to hear that you have been doing better. That is very encouraging. Like so many of us, the holidays can bring anxiety and depression. It seems the more we try to force relaxation, goodness and to absolve all feelings of tension/anxiety/fear the worse it becomes. I have found that keeping a positive outlook, being mindful of my thoughts and focusing on the positives and good that is in my life on a daily basis makes a huge difference. I spend my time and thoughts on being grateful and somehow the negative and fears become small. Praying you find what works for you to keep the anxiety at a distance and continue to allow peace to prevail in your life.