I require a lot of me time i always need time to recharge from society and friendships, im not sure if that sound selfish but i could never understand how people get sad when they don't have lots of friends
Am i the only one who like it more when im... - Anxiety Support
Am i the only one who like it more when im by myself

TheGirl, I seem to function quite okay whether alone or with people.
I'm never bored that's for sure. Always have a ton of things I could get
into in the house. Quiet time is more mentally relaxing for me plus I
enjoy being on the forum. Whatever works for you is not wrong. xx
I prefer to by myself most of the time it’s how I de stress plus it’s peaceful butt only downside about it is when overly anxious
I get what you mean by overly anxious, my family think i like being alone a little too much than normal, i feel more like myself that way
a lot of sensitive, or empathic people feel better off alone a lot.
Our batteries need to be recharged more often.
Many of us, do very well with a good book and a hot cup of tea and or a good movie to keep us company!
IF and when we are ready, we call a friend!
Enjoy your time.
I love time alone also. I lived alone for 15 yrs before my now common law husband moved in with me and I’ve been wondering if this might be the cause of my anxiety. I’m just not use to sharing my space with someone. And he’s a good person but he’s very needy and requires a lot of my attention so I find it mentally exhausting.
I know exactly what you're going through, i had a family member stay with me for just a week i was going out of my mind on just the second day i just couldn't handle it now im going to be a mother soon may the angels help me, How do you deal with him being there, i probably would be pulling my hair out and a sobbing mess
One thing I did was buy a bigger house, so we’d each have our own bathroom, extra tv rooms, extra bedrooms etc. This way we can escape each other without actually having to leave the house. He likes to watch sports on tv a lot (thank god), so he goes to one tv room for a few hrs to watch it and I get time alone to relax on my own. We also work different shifts so we’re home at different times and that lessens the time we spend together.