Back again after a couple months - Anxiety Support

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Back again after a couple months

Turtle90 profile image
6 Replies

Hi again, I posted a couple months ago after being to A&E with chest pains amd being put down to anxiety/depression.

I haven't had any more panic attacks but still get some weird pains (weird as in they are not excruciating, achey etc), around my left breast and round my left side ribs/hip aswell as left arm aches quite alot of the time. On top of this I also have Light headeness 80% of the day every day.

I have being to the doctors now quite a few times regarding these symptoms and have had blood tests for numerous things which all come back clear, have had a camera rammed up my nose and down my throat to check for throat cancer but clear, ultrasound on kidneys, prostate and bladder, have being on cipholexen, amoxicillin and doxycycline, being told its muscular to take ibuprofen and omeprazole which i was doing until Dr took blood pressure and was high so put me in atenlol. Had one and then googled this to find out it was a beta blocker and had 101 side effects so didn't take no more. Told Dr this who then tried putting me on sertraline even though I had told them I didn't want to mask the symptons i wanted to deal with them. Again a week later back to doctors who begrudgingly put me on 2mg diazepan 3 times a day but due to the addictiveness of them i have had 1 a day and it seems to give me a reason for the light headeness more than help. I was meant to have a ultrasound on my testicle Monday but got a call 1 hour before I was due there and told they had cancelled it which upset me and I got teary and said I had being worrying about this I mayasell commit suicide. Of course this meant my Doctor got in touch and had me in for an emergency appointment again tried giving me sertralines and put my raised blood pressure down to anxiety.

Again I haven't taken the sertralines and have being in touch with hypnitherapist who has agreed that ssri medication isn't necessarily the best way to go but wants £65 a session so am now thinking is it really the best thing for me.

I have got the testes ultrasound re booked for next monday and also spoke to a team who deal with CBT classes and similar who have organised a telephone appointment 27th of this month

I am not sure what way to turn anymore, in my head I am literally dying but 3 doctors and a doctor from A&E have all said otherwise even though no tests other than above and 1 ecg and a chest X-Ray have being done. I know I should trust them but really struggling.

My whole life i have actually avoided doctors, dentists, opticians, hospitals even when family have being in hospital I try to avoid or spend as little time as possible in there (yes this sounds selfish but I cant help my brain, I wish i could) I keep on saying that there must be an underlining problem why would I want to go drs atleast once a week currently and want extra scans. Have even asked doctor for MRI, Cardio tests but literally get laughed at and told im 28 they would know if It was serious or heart related.

Is hypnotherapy worth looking into or accupuncture or even any thibg else I am all ears i just want to be better and my old self now. I have children and with chrismas coming It isn't helping matters. My eldest is also picking up on things and asking my partner if im at home, if im feeling ok etc.

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Turtle90 profile image
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6 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

You must trust your doctors. You need therapy and a psychiatrist. You should always check with a doctor, but I think you are suffering from very severe health anxiety. Unless your doctor telles you otherwise, you should stop seeking tests. These issues can be caused by anxiety. You are ruining your life by obsessing over your health.

Turtle90 profile image
Turtle90 in reply to b1b1b1

I have had an ultrasound on my testes today which was the original cause for concern and there is inflammation there around my eperdermis so will bw on anti biotics for that but now got chest pains, light headeness and what not which I was hoping would just go when i had an answer but instead its done the opposite.

JJPenparc profile image

Dear Turtle90 I am not medically qualified but I however certainly do recognise your symptoms and particularly your anxiety. I say this because I ruined my life being exactly like you. My health anxiety started when i was a teenager and continued throughout my life with varying levels of intensity and worry. I am now 68 and look back thinking about the pain and anxiety I caused myself and my family. This is certainly health anxiety which has obviously taken over your life and like me you are looking at every possible solution. The truth is theres only one person who can fix this and that is you!! Sadly I dont think you will ever beat it completely but in order to lessen the impact on yourself and others getting proper help is essential. I tried the Sertralines and the Diazepam’s but in my case they only give you other issues. Ive tried Psychiatrists, Psychologists. Hypnotherapists and Acupuncture. All to no avail. Now in my last years of my life I just take every day as it comes and try and keep busy so i don’t dwell on every ache or pain. I have now developed A permanent irregular heartbeat AF and been told my lifelong Anxiety has contributed to this. Do not end up like me!! I am sure you know you will already have been labelled a ‘worrier’ by your GP’s and the Medical profession. I am also sure you also know deep down that your future scan will turn out fine but you will then move on to the next thing to worry about whatever that may be! As I said you are the only one who can change the one thing I would recommend in order to give you the support you need to improve this is by getting referred to a reputable and experienced CBT practitioner. I really hope you can get to grips with this as I truly know how debilitating this is. Hope this helps.

reyman251 profile image
reyman251 in reply to JJPenparc

Please do yourself a favor and and subscribe/listen to Claire Weeks videos youtube..

Turtle90 profile image
Turtle90 in reply to JJPenparc

Penparc thankyou for such a detailed response and I am sorry to hear about this, I do try not to but honestly when I get a random throb down my arm or chest I immediately pay attention to it. I have never being like this I actually avoided dentist for 7 years, and haven't being to see a doctor in many years. All started because of a dull ache in my testicle. I have actually being to have the Ulteasound today amd have a inflamed eperdemis so that would probably be why my ESR is raised but I am really struggling with the other pains and feelings I have around my chest, side, arm and lightheadediness but again in my head I know and have being told if I was at the gym and got these pains be concenrned but as i get them when watching a film and had checks it more than likely us nothing serious. I was hoping to walk out the surgery today and feel relieved but I dont I feel worse. I have got CBT therapist calling me on the 27th for a telephone initial appointment. I just want to forget or take something to numb myself and these feelings. I am 28 have children and a wonderful partner but for some reason keep on thinking the worse

JJPenparc profile image
JJPenparc in reply to Turtle90

Your problem is Anxiety nothing else! I really hope you can come to terms with it and CBT helps you do that! STOP WORRYING because the chemicals caused as a result of that within your brain and throughout your body are in my opinion the reason you feel like you do!! When you have severe Anxiety you will focus on every Ache and Pain and magnify it out of all proportion which i am sure is what you are doing! After you have wasted the next 10 years of your life worrying a light may come on in your head and you will say to yourself 10 years have past and although i still have these aches and pains i am still alive so it surely cant be anything serious! Alternatively negative thoughts may by then have made you concentrate on other things.... twinges or lumps and bumps.... anything which fuels your need to worry. Only you can change that and i hope the CBT will help.

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