I am 24 years Old. I was 64 kg before 6 month and now Im 58 kg and i m loosing my weigh day by day. 6 month ago i had a headache on my backside of head. I googled it and i found it was caused by tension headache. I had tension head ache for 1 month evreysecond. I though I had a brain tumors. I was full of deppression and stress. After that headache stopped and chest pain began. Dull persistant pain occur in my left side of chest and i was convinced that i had problem in my heart and i googled it and i found it might be of heart cancer. I visited cardiologist and i did x-ray, echo, ecg but all the results were good except my heartbeat. My heartbeat was 105 per minutes. Doctor told me that that nothing happen to me. After some days, chest pain stopped and now i began to suffer from eyeprobelm. My both eyes were red and i was diagonised with episcleritis. I googled the cause of episcleritis and i found it may be caused by Rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, etc. And right that time i found my joint and muscles pain and i was so much worrying that i have Rheumatoid arthritis. I visited doctor and test for RA and it came negative. My ESR rate was normal. At that time I was loosing so much my hair. Hair fall also became my problem. A lot of stress and anxity are in my brain. NOw i m suffering from persistant dull upper abdominal pain and loose stool. I visited doctor and took ultrasound but all things are normal. Medicine isnt working for me. I do yoga everyday but it isnot working. i m so much deppressed and now i m thinking that i have abdominal or stomach cancer. And sometime i also think that i have pancreatic cancer. WHat to do?? i m loosing weigh day by day.
I had chest pain, tension headache, hair l... - Anxiety Support
I had chest pain, tension headache, hair loss, episcleritis , joint and muscles pain. NOw i have dull upper stomachpain and loose stool.

U should see a psychiatrist n be assessed.Continue ruling out other issues as well.
I have been dealing w/ anxiety ever since I had my first panic attack about six months ago. I went to heart doctor and had an echo card and stress test done and all came back normal. I've had numerous ekg's and all came normal. Blood test and xrays were good too. But all this time I have been feeling like something has been wrong. I been chewing w/ the idea of what if the doctors missed something. Because of my constant worry, I began developing symptoms of chest pain, heart burn the headaches like you mentioned. I too have lost hair and weight. After seeing three different doctor, ER, and Urgent Care and all telling me that I'm fine, I've finally come to the conclusion that I might be csusing symptoms by worrying. I have accepted the fact that I am healthy and I am practicing on keeping that mind set. I used to google a bunch of stuff, but found that it makes it worse because most result you get are some scary decease. I highly recommend you stop googling your symptoms. I have been using several apps for mindfulness and deap brathing exrrcises such as headspace, dare, and pacifica. I am sure you are healthy and if the doctors told you that you are then you're good. Don't give in to the anxiety. You are young and full of life. You have a long life ahead of you. Definately keep seeing your doc and maybe a second or third if you need the reassurance. Also, recommend seeing a psychiatrist or counselor...not because you're crazy, but just talking to someone and expressing what you feel and are going through, helps so much releive the stress and anxiety. I'm not sure if you're religious, but prayer is also extremely helpfull. (Philippians 4:6-7). Keep a positive attitude as this will pass. You are strong, you are healty, you can do this! God Bless.
Go see a Gastro Dr , they may run a ct with contrast of your abdomen to make sure everything is ok. Anxiety is like no other problem. Your symptoms will manifest like your describing. I’ve been through all the symptoms you’ve listed and more. You should also see a psychiatrist about the anxiety if your not already. With the proper therapist and maybe medication your symptoms will settle down some.
I sounds like you have health anxiety. Always check with the doctor if you have symptoms that worry you. Mom importantly, however, see a psychiatrist to deal with the anxiety.
Hey there! You may not like my reply but it may save your life. Choice is yours and yours alone. There is no doctor on this planet that can save you. Only you can. Some of the smart ones can guide you but from most you will just get pharmaceuticals that in the long run will only compound the problem. And its not that the doctors are stupid. On contrary, these are most intelligent people. Problem is what medical schools are teaching them but that is another story.
Have you ever heard of toxemia? Because what you describe fit your symptoms perfectly. And all the names of illnesses that you found on google or given by the doctors are all below the tip of the pyramid that is called toxemia. Your blood likely resembles sewer line. Your liver is likely congested. Your kidneys probably stressed out and your adrenals maxed out. Your body is fighting for survival and all that you experience are symptoms of toxemia. So what to do? You need to clean up your body. Most people with toxemia symptoms consume lots of wheat products such as breads, spaghetti, pizza, tortillas, cookies, any everything else. Try it for a month. See how you begin to feel. Cut out sugar. All of that feeds bad bacteria and is causing great many digestive issues that in turn affect your entire body. Then, clean your intestines. There is likely lots of unfriendly bacteria. You must change the balance. Eat products that can replenish your guts with good bacteria such as homemade sauerkraut not store bought as there is huge difference. Google the rest. Clean your body from parasites. You have many and many different kinds. Clean your body of fungi. Once that is done, clean your liver and kidneys. Slowly start to eat leafy greens such as kale, chards, broccoli, etc. It may be a problem at first because of bacteria balance so do it slowly. Drink clean good filtered water without chlorine or fluoride but with added minerals. Stay away from chicken. It has most antibiotics, added hormones and is fed very likely GMO diet. Start walking 30 min/day. Use sauna to detox. Look into Keto diet.
Take the steering wheel into your own hands. Clean, eat clean and then clean some more. Clean your mind, clean your spirit and most important of all have FAITH that you will get better!!! Faith is most important. I wish someone told me this 20 years ago. I would save myself the same agony you are going through right now. Have you heard saying "Healthy Spirit in a Healthy Body"? You cannot be depressed when you have healthy body but unhealthy body unfortunately affects the mind. Think about it. You can take the easy way and fight the symptoms with pills that eventually will give you a chance to hear more illnesses diagnoses or take the difficult one that will bring you back to health. I was blind and trusted the medical establishment that in the end almost killed me. It took many years to awaken and when I did it wasn't an instant health. It took many years to see the whole picture and there was no one to guide me as I was surrounded with people that only believed the medical establishment. So make a choice. What do you have to loose? Your daily sickness? This is just a rough sketch but it should give you good direction. Questions? Shoot privately.