I mentioned last week that I've really been grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw a lot due to lots of stress right now. As such, I'm having a lot of teeth, jaw and ear pain. Not all the time, but still there. Drinking cold liquids or eating something cold really sets off some discomfort too. I made the mistake of Googling it and one of the first hits says teeth and jaw pain signs of heart problem. Instant flash of panic and worried now!
Googled....big mistake ; (: I mentioned last... - Anxiety Support
Googled....big mistake ; (
Hi there, I have really suffered with grinding my teeth and clenching my jaws in my sleep when having bad dreams and because of anxiety.. it makes your teeth ache during the day and your whole jaw. It is anxiety I promise. I bought a night mouth guard... not the most attractive but does the trick!
I too use to grind my teeth in my sleep. It was so loud my daughter could hear it in the next room ! I don’t anymore thank goodness. I agree wit Matt. Definitely anxiety. Try not to google symptoms and ask your doctor if your worried. Goggle brings to many horror stories and more anxiety Try reading Dr Claire Weekes self help for your nerves. Many of us on this forum have had help from reading it and most have overcome their anxiety. Helping me ⭐️
Tell your doctor, you might need a mouth guard for the grinding.
Told my dentist a year ago and he said anxiety but I was grinding bone away I was doing it so much. Lost 3 teeth and he told me a mouth guard. I buy one every week for a dollar and it has done the trick and nights I forget, I pay the next day. Jaw, ear and teeth pain with a headache. Good luck anxiety does make life interesting. Gentle hugs and mouthguard! Lol
Hi, I was never aware I grind my teeth when asleep but my dentist told me as my lower teeth are wearing away. He is getting me a mouth guard to wear and you never know it may stop my very loud snoring. !!