Well haven't been on here in so long but looks like all my anxiety symptom are coming back and I really don't know why my head feels so heavy I feel sick more and I just don't know what to do and keep wondering if it's anything serious can u help me plz
Anxiety : Well haven't been on here in so... - Anxiety Support

hi I doubt it would be serious but its always better to get checked out.think of the things and ways you overcame it before and try go down that rout again.
Well it's been that long I forget what I did last time I am just hoping ignoring it and keep going gets me though it
try not to worry to much about it to much but best just to re assure yourself.
I did go to the doctors last week and she check my blood pressure and it was fine she said it's all to do with anxiety maybe need to go out abit more instead of been stuck in all the time
yeah anxiety plays a huge part I was convinced I was dying for a decade through contamination of blood wouldn't work have a relationship or even get close to anyone.3 times I was checked out after a decade whole time I was fine just all in the head.
Dont worry .best see your doctor.hace a fullblood test ..see if any issue .( most likely nothing!) Onxe u get all clear you knowAnciety attacks cAN make a return even after 20 years.examine your thoughts and what events took place recent month or so .are they a big concern for you .? Do u worry over nothing ?? ..all worries and anticipation for things to happen can collectively trigger a relaspe of GAD . Start doing the reverse like make yourself busy meetjng friends ..do things that can make you happy ...most of all get involve with some form of exercise like jogging walking or play games to sweat it out ..you will get better as day goes by ..once you get a green light all clear from.medicsl exam u should trust yourself ..do not think otherwise .always be on top of yourmind.be in control ...take care
Its anxiety just tell yourself its your anxiety remind yourself YOU will get over it and keep telling yourself this.I know its hard but I have flair ups as I call them and I have to say to my self.its anxiety one example for me is IBS when I'm anxious I can go to loo 5 times in hour ,when I'm OK its once a day.I don't worry about my anxiety now I just except the bad days as I know it will settle down again.don't fear setbacks just except them.