Finally getting back to volunteering at PAWS starting tomorrow morning. I get super anxious about everything. Haven't worked due to being on disability. Working on getting back to work after CNA classes. Just volunteering is scary to me. Worried I won't do a good job. I'm just going to go with a super pawsitive attitude and do the best job I can!! Hope everyone's day is wonderful😄 Hugs to you all☺😊
Scared😱: Finally getting back to... - Anxiety Support

You will have a great time with those puppies and I know you will do an exceptional job because you care so much!
Hi Kacey! Sorry I've been away so long. It's like Facebook, if I'm busy I'm not on very much, even though I do read posts.
You are going to be awesome! Don't let anything bother you, focus on all those cute puppies!! We know they provide unconditional love and I bet they will be so excited to see you! I like your new picture, it's nice to see more of your face! You look great lady!!
Oh your a such a dear Leigh!!!! Thank you soooo much for your kind words. So very nice to hear from you😄😄 How have you been?? Hopefully really really good☺😊
You're welcome Kacey! I've been crazy busy at work the last few weeks. So much so that I had my days messed up and missed my therapy appointment last week. It's been just insane! Other than that I've been pretty good. Thank you!!
I guess that busy can be a blessing sometimes!!! Does therapy help at all? I don't want to go plus I have no money to my name!! I feel they tell ya what you want to hear. That's what it felt like the few times I did go. Hope its really helping you!! So everything is going good! Love it😄 I'm so happy your happy Leigh☺😊☺😊
It certainly makes the day fly by, but I've been stuck working late and it's causing things like missing therapy.
As for therapy, my psychologist is really great. She has really gotten me to open up about things that I haven't to anyone, including my wife. We've talked often about that BDD issue I've told you about. She has given me some really good advice, and I've followed some of it, the stuff I don't is all my fault, I need to work harder and I'm not motivated enough. I started a men's group two weeks ago. The first session was fun, but nothing about anything very serious (besides money problems). I go again tomorrow night, hopefully it will be more interesting. There was one guy missing two weeks ago, but there are only 4 men including me. We'll see.
How did your day go today?
It sounds like a good day! I wish I was a millionaire so I could care for so many animals! That would be a dream! I hope things go well for you tomorrow!! Hug those animals for me! Hugs to you as well!!
Yea it was!! A great day! These dogs are so hard to hug!!! Lol. They are very young and have border collie in them. They bounce straight up and down😄😄😄 Poor things I just want ppl to see what great dogs they are!! I hug if they'll let me! Lol. Your dream is like mine. Rich enough to only care for them all day everyday☺☺😊😊 I will definitely send your hugs to them in the morning!!! Thanks for the hug!! Giving ya one back😊☺ I hope things go good tomorrow! Praying someone is there to help me not forget stuff! I'm so afraid of a dog getting loose etc. It'll go good!!
You'll have a great day there tomorrow!! Hug all the dogs you can for me!! Thank you for the hug. Much needed!!
I had to post a picture of our boy Bently at PAWS. He's got so much character!! You'd really love to hug him if you could catch him!!! Lol
Lovedogs ( can I use your real name here,?just want to be sure it’s okay)
I am proud of you and happy for you. Sounds like success!
Yea real name isn't a problem with me. Lol. Oh thanks Starr!! Your the bestest! That was so sweet of you to say! Been a bit insecure and all. Made my day😊☺ Yea I just love our dogs at PAWS. They really go all out to find these guys homes. Our boy Bently was on the radio this morning!! Lol. I'm so happy PAWS does home checks!! How ya doing Starr? How's the boys doing at school???
(((((((Kacey)))))))) 😊 Awww so cool that they do home checks for the precious angel doggies! When I rescued Coco they did a home check too. Haha he was on the radio!? 😆
Thanks for asking! The boys have been sick for three days but should be good to get back tomorrow. I had a driving nightmare plus a storm is coming so I’m anxious right now.
I’m sure it will be ok though it’s my imagination.
Oh dear sick for 3 days!!! Wow sure hope they get feeling better tomorrow! I didn't know sweet Coco was a rescue. If you told me I'm so sorry I can't remember a thing anymore😱 I know omg that storm seems crazy. Is it going to hit all of Virginia or where your at?? I thought of you instantly when I saw that!! Saying so many prayers that it stays away from you guys!!! Anxiety for sure I would too. It will be ok Gods watching over you and your precious family and parents!!!💝💝
Thank you sooooo! You are so caring! We should not be getting the worst of it. Where I live there is no evacuation put into effect.
I’m so happy your day went well. How often do you work?
Oh thank goodness you'll be safe!! Well I was going in tomorrow but Sarah who I worked with said Tuesdays. Ill be working with her every Tuesday. There's so many caring volunteers that work with,PAWS. Its great to see so many ppl volunteer. Dogs really deserve the best care! If more shifts come available ill sign up for them. School will finally start October 9th. Waiting patiently......