I get new feelings,pains,tingles, numbness and im scared something major is ready to happen to me i get super nervous,nauseated and frighten how do i know if its anxiety or something worse
Always scared: I get new feelings,pains... - Anxiety Support
Always scared

I feel u
Hi, I also have the same symptoms plus more, sometimes I'm only numb on 2 fingers, I also get chest pains, heart racing, neck, and back pains, tension aka stress headaches, sweaty, tingles all around, twitching on my legs, arms, eyes, blurry vision, dizziness even when I'm laying down it feels like I'm sliding off my bed, like my room it's titling/leaning over, unbalanced, lightheaded, heavy head, lack of sleep, non stop thinking, and fears.
Hey! I just wanted to send you a big hug and a prayer! I also am dealing with the samething as you how many hrs are you sleeping? Try chamomile tea with a splash of honey before bed that's what I'm doing and it at least helps me relax some. I'm here if you need to talk!
Dean friend, I am so sorry you are felling so scared. First more anxious you will feel over these body sensations, the worse they wil get because your brain is now just focused on it. I know because I am having the same thing as you. Have you seen a doctor recently? If you are really scared, most likely, your emotional feelings are just manifesting into these physical symptoms but because you are scared, you are going to do what I did :
1- go to your doctor, explain all your symptoms and don't be scared if you need testing. When the body is a such a high level of stress, you deplete it of vital nutrients, mainly complex b and important minerals, which can explain some of the physical reaction like tingling.
2- you need to be able to sit down or lie down and breathe from your diaphragm (like in yoga) and just focus on your breathing. Each time your mind goes away from your breathing, just refocus on breathe in (count to 4, hold for 2, breathe out 6). Il you cant just breathe in and out gently by filling in first the stomach and then slowing emptying your stomach. Most anxious people like me or you, have shallow breathing, which in turn make us tingle. Though, even doing this, does not stop my symptoms but it makes me less anxious
3- have little sip of water throughout the day, every 10-15 minutes. You are most likely dehydrated.
4- don't google anything at all, the more you try to understand what you are going through, the more unsettle you will get.
5- when was the last time you had blood work done for vitamin d3, b12, iron, ferretin, magnesium, potassium, calcium, thyroid (TSH, free t4, free t3, antibodies). Il you have any of these deficient, it will create tingling, muscle spasms, twitching and so on).
6. If you are felling nauseous, it is because you are under extreme stress and I bet that like me, you feel a lump in your throat. So, if you can get some ginger, chew on some ginger candy. Be careful with ginger, too much will irritate your stomach and intestine. I am used to it. Each time I feel nauseous, I take a little piece of candied ginger and it does the trick.
7- when you are feeling like this, avoid, any drink with caffeine with the exception of a sipping on green tea. Green tea and a component that calms you down. No alcohol, no sweets, if you can.
8- go for a walk and focus on breathing.
9- but also, you need to go and talk to either a therapist or a doctor about all of this.
10- if you can access any short meditation audio online about anxiety, it will also help you to calm down.
Right now, I am tingling, I have muscle cramps, tinnitus, and muscle tightness and my worse enemy is my mind because I listen to my thoughts and want to believe the worse.
Take care and feel safe.

Great advice Capucine1. x

Thanks for you're tips, going too the doctor actually made me anxious, I went after my first attack almost 2 months ago, I couldn't really stay calm, and I never felt so scared going to the doctor, till anxiety hit me.
I do have a bad habit of using Google, watching anxiety, panic attacks videos on YouTube, I'm in my in mid 30's, I did use too drink a lot of caffeine, ate junk foods, candy, but I stopped after finding out those could lead to more anxiety, I'm not really into drinking beer, etc, now all I do it's drink water.
I actually have ate gingle candy a few times, I like them, now I eat more foods with magnesium like Oatmeal in the morning, along with fruits at night as snack it helps, and I also use magnesium lotion from life-flo it helps as well.
I feel for you. I am now 60 and am under the care of a therapist. It is through her guidance that I got tested. And guess what? Nothing major or serious. So yes, I really freaked out knowing I needed to be tested but better feel anxious for a full week than for the next few months. The more anxious you get, the more tense your muscles get. I have followed your path and because I am twice your age, I can tell you, if you have not died yet, it is because you are most likely very healthy because if you can survive such anxiety, then there is really nothing wrong with you physically, it is purely emotional. So I learned that going just for blood work , is it so scary and instead of having hte doctor office call me, I set a appointment to get my results. On my last results, I found out my TSH (thyroid hormones) was too high, which means that my metabolism is down, which means tingling, muscles ache, but also poor absorption of vitamins and minerals. - deficiency in b12 is very common with people who eat poorly or have anxiety. Anyway, staying away from the Internet is very hard. I know! My therapist gave me homework this week, stay away from Facebook and Internet. Stay away from toxic people. Btw, I drink at night magnesium calm, it relaxes muscles and help you sleep. The magnesium you get from food might not be enough.
Another trick my therapist gave me is the following : from all the symptoms I have had in the past, and all the tests I had done, and all the fears my mind created from it, did any of it come true? Well! No! So likelihood is whatever your mind is thinking right now, is pure invention.
People with high anxiety, usually, have had a stressful childhood or some kind of trauma. In my case, it is genes and as well, tough childhood. If I could go back to 30 with what I know today, I would definitely deal with it differently. Trust me, I have imagine so many diseases in my head, I died so many times in my head, that today, I am exhausted and realize I am preventing myself to enjoy the now.
Whenever, you are ready, find a trusted family member, a friend, and ask them if they would go to the doctors with you. Let them be your ears and your brain. Go get some blood work. No need to get a physical yet, go with this friend to get the results and breathe. And remember, you are not your thoughts, and your thoughts are not reality.
Take care

you are so helpful thanks so much
Thats just ur anxiety..its normal.. It will go away once u divert ur attention to smthng else and calm down... I used to fear that i will die and smthng bad will happen...
Just please don't be scared because anxiety has many werid and often strange symptoms. For me I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder last month in June 29th. Before I knew I had GAD. I was always getting this werid head pressure feeling or numbness feeling, and I felt that something was stuck inside my throat. I went to the doctor about everything I was feeling and he said that all of this was due to anxiety. Do not Google your symptoms because that makes it worse, you get more anxiety. I suggest you go to the therapist and exercise because both of those things are helping me.
I hope you are okay and get better soon and don't worry there are many people out there who will help you.
I get the head pressure as well, and it makes me dizzy, light headed. Once I get dizzy, light headed I start to get scared beacuse those two were my first symptoms, that lead too my first panicattack. I want to get off my bed and go walk around a quite trail by a pond/lake but the dizzy feeling scares me.
I feel the same exact way. I am sorry you are facing this. Living in fear is no way to live, most of us feel your pain, but keep faith and know you are not alone. It'll get better. My day is going badly today too with fear and pain, tons of anxiety... but i know it'll pass.
...the worst thing I suffer is in severe fear always that something bad or major is going to happen to me. And it never does...so i am working on self talk. Best of luck. My love goes out to you.
We are having these kind of issues at the end we are just wasting time... i feel u
thanks so much for the the support and opinions alot makes ne eased i have passed some of this but now new things i do need to seek help but dk where to start