I have been going through this cycle of anxiety and depression for maybe 4 years. Was started by something that happened to me at work and has caused me massive psychological and physical problems and fears.
As time passes and I look for ways to improve and find a foothold in life I realise I’m make some fundamental errors.
I constantly think about time that has passed.. how I used to be!! Confident, self assured, determined, driven... and I have massive problems accepting where I am...
I then try and look into the future and where things are certainly not clear or mapped out, I mean I have just been medically retired after 17 years in my career. I try and see where I will be in 6 months, 12 months, two years!!
But I know, the only way I will improve is to just try and make today as good as it can be. Think about today. Set a goal just for the day. Do not think behind or too far ahead.
I need to be better at this and if you read this hope you see some sense in doing the same!!
Have a good day