Where do I start? I've got anxiety, depression, possibly bipolar, a twist on split heart syndrome. I take panic attacks(thankfully only when alone,) I over analyse everything, I'm constantly paranoid about things and it's been going on for three years now. The worst part of it all is that I've never told anyone about it and kept it to myself. I'm terrible at talking about it but I'm not even sure that's the reason why.
I was on medication for my heart and beta-blockers to stop any chest pains/slow down my heart rate, though now I'm not taking anything for it and it's started to get really bad again. The constant panic, worry and anxiety isn't doing it any good at all, it makes it work over time really.
It all started 3 years ago when I broke out of a long term relationship and for the first month or two I knew it was down to that reason and knew that things would get better and pick up - and they did, for a month or two, I had a great time, no problems at all, though after that I slunk back into this depression, although it's really just been this past month that it's really, really fucking hit me. It's completely stopping me from doing anything in daily life, I lack motivation to see my friends, I can't look for a better job, the list goes on and I'm sure you all have heard it a fair few times by now so I'll save you's.
My phone is broken too which doesn't help and I need to make a call to Samsung to get it repaired, how ever, I -really- struggle to call people I don't know, last time I tried it triggered a panic attack and I had to hang up. I really think I need professional aid of some sort, although I haven't a clue how to go about getting it since I really can't talk about it in person or over the phone.
Lastly, nobody in my life other than a couple of friends I've made online know how I've been feeling for the past three years, I've hid it and have no plans on telling anyone. I feel like none of them take it seriously when I've lightly touched on it in the past since all they see is "Happy-go-lucky me who's always up for a good time." Though that's not me and hasn't been for a long time.
Blah. ><