how will i get the negative thoughts out my head and this anxiety physically sympthoms out how can i get better i need someone that been through the same thing i been going through if you read my post you will know what im talking about i would know if any advise and how would i get past this . i feel stress and my head is not right i feel like im going crazy and ill i dont like telling anyone what im going through because they might think im going cray in the head so i hold it in and fight this feeling and thinking i want to be happy again and feel life and enjoy it im only 21 i never felt the way im feeling till now i only had anxiety physical sympthoms now is the bad thoughts and negative with images i never had i tryto disract my self i even get sad and down thinking about it i just wanna tear sometimes but i hold it in.
any postive advise with what im going ther... - Anxiety Support
any postive advise with what im going there will i ever feel better and also i even have to attend to a funeral tommarow .

Johnnie, did you go to the therapist appointment on Thursday? Give us some details about how that went?
Johnnie, I'm impressed. For the very first time you haven't just looked on this forum as a swop shop for symptoms. You've expressed the desire to recover, to overcome your anxiety. I'm serious, I believe that is real and significant progress.
You have undergone a change, Johnnie, I believe you are now truly motivated to recover. You have changed your focus from symptoms (which as you know are not true illnesses but fake illnesses produced by your sensitised nerves) to the steps you need to take to reclaim your former happier life.
You will find those answers here, Johnnie, there are good and knowledgable people here who know their stuff. I think you should listen to them and even more importantly act on their advice.
This will follow the lines of: first, neutralise whatever has caused you all this anxiety in the first place. Then face the fact that you have health anxiety not real organic illnesses, don't seek escape through distraction, you have to go through the anxiety and not round it to win. Next, accept the fake symptoms for the time being calmly and without the need to generate fear and fear hormones that keep you in a state of nervous tension. Then float forward through your life as if you are being propelled effortlessly by some invisible force. Finally, let time pass. Let lots if time pass.
It may be 3 steps forward, 2 steps back to begin with. No matter, you're still moving in the right direction.
So just accept everything, the strange thoughts, the negative feelings, the irritating illnesses. They cannot harm you, they are toothless tigers all of them. Why fear a toothless tiger? So accept everything without the need for fear.
I think a new day has maybe dawned for you, move forward and embrace it.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step and I think you have taken that first step forward.
I will speak to you soon.
you think so ? this made me feel a bit better by hearing this but i feel like i keep
getting worst with the thoughts now that i never experince before
Johnnie, we are all allowed to have strange thoughts, just another trick that tired nerves play on us. Don't attach any great importance to them.
You deal with them the same as all the other symptoms which is to say you accept them for the moment, don't let them frighten you, agree to co-exist with thrm temporarily.
That's the key to everything, Johnnie, accept all these strange thoughts and fake symptoms, there is no need to fear them. If and when you stop letting them frighten you half to death and you stop pumping out fear hormone it gives your sensitised nervous system a chance to return to normal. You need to break out of this cycle of fear causing symptoms causing more fear causing more symptoms and you do that by agreeing to accept them.
Stay focussed on the importance of dealing with the cause of your problems, your sensitised nerves, and pay much less attention to the strange ideas and feelings which will all pass when your nerves recover which they will do if you let thrm.
oh okay i see have you read my other post about the thoughts i was having somwthing never thought about it just keep popping up in my head for no reason it wont leave my head for some reason.
Hi Jeff a few years older than you. Great advice to 1234 I have been on with him time after time but the excuses keep coming. You know yourself if you don't grab the bull by the horns you stay in limbo. Dr wasn't in my fathers sick his wife passed are all things we go through in everyday life but we don't dwell on them we go to our therapist and move on. One therapist gives you the run around you go on to the second or third or as many as you have to research before you hit a bingo. I young man of 21 who is supposed to have gotten one bad joint just doesn't click with me. If you are in the US do you remember Woodstock? hits close to home but a lot of the people turned out to be physicians, attorneys and high end corporate leaders. Life is what you make it and sounds to me what you are trying to express in a very nice but positive way. You and I are on the same page lets hope 1234 gets there
Maagaa, I couldn't agree more. x
Agora I think if you agreed with my post it might help if you address this kid Everyone is trying to help him and I just don’t feel as if he comprehends what people are trying to put across
Hi Maagaa, Johnnie knows I've tried for a year and a half in trying to convince him to get help. He knows I care as the others on this forum do. I believe he is just too scared to try anything new. I should talk. I haven't been able to talk my own daughter into getting help for her anorexia for the last 9 years. If a person isn't willing or ready to get well, it's not going to happen.
We can only hope things change for the better. Someone will have the magic words that will make the difference. It's just not me.
I can relate Agora good luck with your daughter with your support and love she will get there That’s how I feel about 1234 he needs more then this forum We are people on paper he has a Mom and a girlfriend hope they’re plugged in take care
im confused i just dont wanna seem like im a crazy person or my family see me differently.
I understand your confused and maybe a little scared as well. None of us want to look like the crazy person in the family. The thing Johnnie is that this is your life we are talking about. Suffering in silence with the family is doing you no justice. You are 21 years old and should be living the good life. Anxiety robs us of that entitlement. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to not suffer physically or mentally.
If you think the family and friends don't already know there's an issue, you are fooling yourself.
I did want to extend my sympathy regarding your dad's wife. I know you are very concerned about your father right now. I'm assuming the funeral was today. How did you do? Where you able to keep your composure and support your father? We will talk about your issue another time. I respect this time for your family grieving. Take care. You are stronger than you think. You've got the support of this forum behind you in huge numbers. You can't help but win. When you are ready, we will be here for you. x
yeah ill get there soon and feel better i know it things take time have you been where im i how im feeling have you thats a question to ask you ? have you been through what i been through as we speak ?
Yes1234 years of deep depression and chemical imbalance but got help and on the right track Having also dealt with a child who is now a grown adult with children of his own I brought him from meeting to meeting and one therapist to another until he responded to therapy
so all this will go away ?
Johnnie, it will go away. Things are different now, I've chided you in the past for obsessing about symptoms instead of addressing the cause, but I noted a definite change in your main post. I think you've got bored with just talking about symptoms and strange thoughts and want to concentrate on finding a solution.
Johnnie it will go away but you are key to sending it on its way. You want to know if we've experienced what you're going through and did we recover. Every body is different, Johnnie, and the number of symptoms that anxiety inflicts on us is endless so no two sufferers are exactly the same. But between us we have experienced everything you have and we have walked through the storm and out the other side. In my case my health anxiety is inherited, too much of one hormone or too little of another, so in my case I will always have small reoccurances. But these are minor and I know how to deal with them.
Johnnie, continue with your face to face therapy and any medication your doctor prescribes. But I want you to add another string to your bow, I want you to indulge in some self help.
Maybe you're not one for reading about things in books, maybe you prefer to be told things. Books sren't for everybody. But if that's the case I want you to make an exception. You know what I'm going to say next don't you, Johnnie. I want you to read that book I keep banging on about because it really is life changing. The book is by Doctor Claire Weekes and the U.K. title is 'Self help for your nerves' and the U.S. title for the same book is 'Hope and Help with your nerves' both available new or used from Amazon for a few quid or bucks.
I want you to get hold of that book, Johnnie, and I want you to read it as if Claire Weekes was sitting next to you. It's a very reader friendly book, before long you'll say "Hey that's me she's describing, how does she know that?"
But the important thing is she doesn't only offer you understanding and reassurance, she offers a way to recover that has been successful for untold thousands of people who suffered stuff just like you.
Doctor Claire Weekes died 25 years ago at a good age, her method was something she worked out to cure herself of anxiety disorder, so she knows what she's talking about. I'm not going to double up and repeat what she advocates here but it's all about overcoming fear. Fear is at the root of all our problems, Johnnie, if we can get a handle on fear then our tired nerves will recover soon enough. It's a case of when you stop caring about anxiety is when you start recovering from it.
Johnnie, we're on your case here, me, Agora1 and Maagaa and maybe others. This is your chance to break free, it takes time and I know you want an instant cure but life's not like that, there aren't any magic wand/magic pill solutions. But you can do this thing.
Don't worry about any of the strange feelings and thoughts you have, they're just your over sensitised nerves playing tricks on you.
What I want you to do, Johnnie, is get your hands on that book and read it and we can take it from there.
Good to make your acquaintance, Maagaa. You, Agora1 and I have been through the mill of life but we're still standing. With time comes understanding and reassurance which makes things easier and then we find solutions. Never had much luck with therapists myself and I went to the Priory Clinic in London and spent a thousand pounds when a thousand pounds was a lot of money. I had no idea what they were talking about. But 44 years ago I chanced upon Doctor Claire Weekes books and found my way forward. Never went to Woodstock myself but I heard the Beatles play live and Roy Orbison, the best of that generation, who unlike Elvis came many times here to the U.K., it was his second home. All a long time ago.
Thanks for mentioning Claire Weekes will definitely research her her books always looking for things that put the mind straight. Therapists here in the US are plentiful but all of them were not helpful in the case of my family. Keep trying to help 1234 but as my Granny used to say You can take a horse to water but can’t make him drink. Great to hear from someone who understands my generation
May I make an observation about the intense dedication this forum has extended to 1234 for over the past year?
Aurora has been dedicated to this young chap for the past year and a half, and we read that 1234 can't move" off the mark much", in that time.
1234 tells me 2 days ago that the therapist WE have all been waiting for him to see, did not show up, and the appointment is Tuesday.
I have seen many a therapist in my day and NOT one has "never shown up"..............That set off the bulls&*t meter over here.
What if,
we are co-dependent?
I re read many posts written by many people over the past few months and they have all covered every possible facet out there via the written word,
1234 says, for the umpteenth time " So all this will go away"?
What is not clicking?
Indigo you hit the nail on the head. I haven’t been on the forum to long but as you stated my BS meter went off after about the third conversation with 1234. Never had a therapist not show maybe the forum is being used to enable?
I thought about my response for a long time last night after I posted it. My intention was to bring light to the idea that perhaps WE are missing something.
When Jeff explained Claire Weeks and her principles {to me } I went head long into her process and made measurable strides. There were other posters over the past year who shared deeply with 1234 and I learned from each of them.
a woman with GOLD { olympic gold?} in her name shared her experiences [ with driving and traffic jams} and her progress, & I grabbed onto that too.
IF she could do it.........
Thank you for being kind in reading my response and responding.
Recently a poster wrote about taking an antibiotic, and her fear of it. Many of us have that fear.
Those of us who have it, shared our thoughts about it.
ONE thought was for her to call her physician and have them help her.
Their response was " WE are not going to play into your anxiety".
AL-tho, she didn't like that, and many of us didn't either......within a few short hours she took her first dose.
We were on the sidelines clapping for her, {of which she could not hear,}, but I wonder if after all these years and posts and compassion and outstanding information, if for 1234, it is time for him to fly on his own?