Has anyone else had a uti that feels like really bad period cramps...? My anxiety runs wild sorry... and how long do you think it will be till this passes .. managed to take my first dose of antibiotics 👍🏼... but in agony
UTI: Has anyone else had a uti that feels... - Anxiety Support

I have had them, took a day or two for the antibiotics to work. But was great when they did.
Glad you took yours.

Took me about 45 mind to finish the glass of water I crushed it into and I drove to the hospital and back home 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
You went to the hospital just incase?
Im like you, i dont like tablets etc either, but when i had the uti i had to give in, glad that i did.

Me too the pain better F off after all this lol
I said the exact same when i had one lol

It’s given me a kick up the arse tho .. now I know I CAN take meds if it’s needed and not have a panic attack
xx proud of you Samantha
Well there you go, it sorted you out in more ways than one 😀
I am happy for you.
Yh just to be around people in case
I just recently found out when having a UTI that the burning feeling isn't the only symptoms of it. I was bleeding when I peeed, it scared me. So now I know.