New here: Hi, I have always been an anxious... - Anxiety Support

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cheers7107 profile image
14 Replies


I have always been an anxious person and at this point my husband and family are sick of hearing me worry about everything. I thought it would be helpful to meet other people like me and have someone to talk to.


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cheers7107 profile image
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14 Replies
knlarson82 profile image

I’m new here as well. I totally understand. I’m in the same boat as you. :(

cheers7107 profile image
cheers7107 in reply to knlarson82

It’s an awful feeling. especially when no one understands. I love when they constantly say, “just stop thinking about it”. Yup. That helps

diggininit profile image
diggininit in reply to cheers7107

Yup Cheers7107!

RAB888 profile image


There's no need to feel anxious. I used to before I came across a new understanding of where our experience comes from (inside out) but we are all looking for an 'outside in' way to try to find happiness (such as medication, smoking, drinking and other addictive habits.

There are over 400 types of therapy, yet more and more people are suffering with mental health issues. Why is that?

Because modern therapies are based on an 'outside in ' way of trying to solve the problem.

Inside out is the way to go. The 'wise' from the past told us this.

Please ask if you would like to know more

HelloPanda23 profile image
HelloPanda23 in reply to RAB888

May you elaborate, I'm sure me and many others are interested.

RAB888 profile image
RAB888 in reply to HelloPanda23


All modern therapies are intervention models created to try to solve people's problems from the 'outside in'. Our life experience is created from the 'inside out ' via our own thinking.

We create our own problems.

Surely with over 400 types of therapy and tablets being prescribed in ever increasing amounts there should be less mental health problems?

It's because we are all looking in the wrong direction.

By all means carry on with going to see a doctor and following their 'educated' advice. But if people want to see their problems disappear, like a puddle in a heatwave, they need to learn the new understanding about where our experience comes from and what causes our behaviour.

Hi. Yes it helps to have an understanding outlet, such as here 😊

I’m sorry they haven’t been understanding. I used to feel annoyed at the same type of thing, although I got to thinking, anxiety and depression are far more complex and not straight forward at all. Sometimes I have to learn about why I feel or do certain things or can’t do certain things because I don’t always understand, and I guess really, how someone who hasn’t struggled with anxiety can understand must be difficult for them, although they could read up a little on it, sometimes they just don’t...and think they understand..😞

You are not alone, a lot of us experience this

Glad you found this platform to be able to chat to and be understood and not judged x

diggininit profile image
diggininit in reply to

Olivia40, I feel exactly the same way. They have never experienced 24 x 7 anxiety. They do not have the slightest clue about it. Why won't they get educated, read about it, get a book about Generalized Anxiety Disorder and at least TRY to understand what it is like? There are so many good books out there that explains GAD, the symptoms, the feelings, the physical feelings, emotional, etc. They just won't do it. Instead they say, well just try to think about something else, go outside and get some sun, lay down a while and you will feel better, etc;, etc; I've heard it all. Don't take so many benzos you will get hooked and you will end up in rehab and no one wants to take care of your dogs.....O M G! Honestly sometimes, I really think they don't want to know, they want to wake up one morning and you will be all fine and well!


since i don't know much about your situation- opening up would be beneficial as then i could help you further. your choice. for now here are three things i like to do to calm and organize my thoughts since usually just reassuring myself will not work.

1 ) close your eyes. breathe in 5 counts, like you're sipping through a straw, hold it for 8 counts, try not to force the air forward but hold it in your chest, and let go, releasing all your air. wait and try again (this will trigger the release of cortisol which calms you down and improves self control- repeat as necessary.)

2 ) ask yourself- Can i remove the stressor (do i have to attend, do i have to speak today or can i find another way to participate or a different time or more private place to do it) Can i numb the anxiety (can i calm down the fight-or-flight response, see my problems clearer, realize that some of these thoughts may be irrational, physically prepare myself differently to be more prepared) Can i look at it from another perspective (remember other people could be just as afraid, you are not alone, relate to them and see how they're coping and do the same, make sure you're physically prepared)

if NO to all of these- escape. call in sick, find a way to make it up later. if you've brought your anxiety up with people before they will understand. sometimes it's just too much to handle and forcing yourself to attend will only worsen the anxiety.

3 ) ground yourself. after a big freak-out i tend to be disoriented and confused, so i practice the sight-surface-sound method. find 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, and 3 things you can hear. this won't fix your problems but it will ground you enough to deal with them.


TL;DR: breathe in 5, hold 8, release 3.

remove the stressor, numb the anxiety, find a different perspective.

5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear.

wear a bracelet or ring to remind you of these exercises.

with patience and perseverance things will change.

go easy on yourself

overall i suggest seeing a doctor about this!

cheers7107 profile image
cheers7107 in reply to

Thank you for all the great suggestions

diggininit profile image

Mine say, just get your mind off of it. Go outside and do some yard work, or the best one is "I don't know what you could be upset about". It is not upset!!!!! They really have no clue and trying to explain to someone the symptoms, heart racing, dizzy, not feeling well, off balanced, then they say you should probably go see a doctor. I've been to the brain doctor, heart doctor, lung doctor, head doctor, regular doctor, specialists, neurologist, you name it. They have no clue as to how may doctors I've seen in the last three years!

RAB888 profile image
RAB888 in reply to diggininit


You wouldn't need to see a doctor again if you were educated on where our human experience comes from and the nature of our thoughts.

I suffered with depression, anxiety, stress all my life, until I came across a new understanding that can literally transform your life in a short amount of time and then give you the resilience to cope with whatever comes your way in life, without medication or constantly seeking medical professionals.

By the way, modern therapy is looking in the wrong direction for the solution to your problems. Our experience is created from the 'inside out', but we look for solutions from the 'outside in'

diggininit profile image
diggininit in reply to RAB888

Well obviously I am not educated as to where our human experience comes from because no one has been able to to help.

RAB888 profile image
RAB888 in reply to diggininit


Modern doctors and psychology etc are all innocently based on Sigmund Freud. He mistakenly based his work on helping people by looking at their past memories to find a solution to their problems.

The past is just a memory carried through time, it no longer exists, but most people live the past over and over, in their thinking, causing them to suffer in the now

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