I have felt dizzy since Saturday, at first I just thought it was down to how much alcohol I drink on Friday. But with it still going on today I decided to take my blood pressure when I am sitting down it is 113/73 with a heart rate of 84. When I stood up it dropped to 97/63 and my heart rate went to 118bpm ( I left it a minute or so before I stood up and stood up slowly ). Is this normal, I know it’s a bit on the low side but should I worry? Please any advice help?
Bp : I have felt dizzy since Saturday, at... - Anxiety Support
Thats perfectly normal
Hi Gracex1, it's always best to have your doctor take your b/p while lying down, sitting and standing. He can best determine if there is a great fluctuation in the readings. I will state that dehydration from the alcohol can play into this so that when you stand there is not enough blood volume to circulate throughout your body. And so the pressure tends to drop. However, I am not a physician and only your doctor should advise you according to your health history.
I wish you well and let us know how you make out. Feel better xx
I haven’t drunk alcohol in 5 days
Hi I went to the gp yesterday I’ve got a serious kidney infection and possibly kidney stones! Which has explained the dizziness long process ahead but will b better soon 👍🏻