I'm waking up at about 5 am and my hear races. I'm worried but it eventually calms down to around 55bpm. Then I worry it's to slow it's like a yoyo. Any advice? I had an ECG yesterday and blood tests. The doctor said my heart was ok and a slow heart rate indicates it's healthy as I use to swim when I was younger. It just really worries me when it goes bananas in bed when I wake :(. Any one else have this? X
Wake up with a racing heart: I'm waking up... - Anxiety Support
Wake up with a racing heart

For some reason anxiety still affects us when we sleep, so wether it a bad dream or you suffer insomnia etc it will wake us up and obviously terrified which does increase heart rate specially at its pace whilst we are relaxed at sleep! You just need to remember your heart is healthy so nothing will happen try to ignore it get a drink and try and et back to sleep best wishes xx
Hi I had the same problem a few weeks ago, before my first panic attack my heart use to beat between 80 to 100. I use to smoke and that heart rate was normal for me. After my attacks I was always checking my heart rate and what scared me was my heart now runs at 50 to 60 resting, I stopped smoking so after worrying about it I put it down to stopping the cigs and dropping my caffeine intake . I haven't checked my heart beat for a few weeks now n feel better . Hope you get better soon
Yes, I know what you are talking about. When you figure it out for yourself, let me know as I could have the same thing.
Yes I am experiencing the same thing starts around same time every morning lasts for a few hours then goes away doesn't happen at any other time just started happening about2 moths ago I'm currently wearing an event monitor have you been diagnosed?
Yes same experiences noone can tell me what's wrong so frustrated