I have no one to talk to in life that understands or can calm me down and I get horrible attacks. I’d love to connect with someone on a personal level as a friend in anxiety. Is anyone out there?
I need someone!: I have no one to talk to in... - Anxiety Support
I need someone!

what types of attacks do you get ? like what are the sympthoms ?
Chest tightness, feels like there is a hand holding my throat, jaw tightness and clenching, dizziness, feeling faint, high blood pressure, higher than normal pulse, neck tightness, choking feeling, feeling like I can’t swallow, numbness in hands, feet, and face. Any combination of that or all of them.
wow thats crazy i get that time to time mostly is the pulse and the heart always accerlerating like now im laying in bed and my pulse is a bit fast 92 not that much but i still can feel it beating fast my heart in my body and also probably because if what i ate today i bbq boneless chicken and also got into a stressful problem today so maybe that but its always a problem with my heart trying to accerlerate its crazy i want to get back to normal before i was never like this now i been stuck for a year or two already this way and dont know what it is if its my nervous system thats messed up a bit or making everything acerlerate fast or what . but i know how you feel i been going through sometimes i feel like im even going crazy.
Dustin, I completely understand what you're going through. I too have the symptoms you have described, plus a few others. Dry mouth, upset stomach, racing/pounding heart, feeling afraid of everything...yet nothing. Dizzy. Like I will collapse ar any second. Lose my mind.
The one thing I have done to make these symptoms less is to literally flop into a chair, let go of all tension, look at each symptom, try to make them worse (they don't get worse), a knowledge that each of these is the bodies natural reaction to fear/adrenaline. And that's ok. It's just that body doesn't get it that I don't need that right now. I'm not in need of escaping a tiger.
Stop fearing those symptoms. Fear feeds the adrenaline which feeds the symptoms that feed the fear and the cycle continues.
Easier said than done, I know. But seriously, look at those symptoms, try to make them worse (chances are they will lose their power, because you are inquiring about them and not so much fearing them at the moment) . Fear is an anxiety suffers worst enemy!
You got this. You've done it before. Nothing can hold us back. We are warriors!
I only go to school 2 days a week most of the time because I have severe panic disorder so I 100% get what you are going through! I have attacks 4-7 times a day and sometimes for up to 6 hours. Even when I am sleeping I wake up in a nocturnal panic attack often. It really sucks and most people do not and will never understand. I have the symptoms that you described. My anxiety has also gotten to the point where I have so many muscle spasms it is hard to walk or even breathe. I am still struggling but this week I only missed one day of school and I have been feeling a lot better. My recommendation for you would be to just remind yourself that you have anxiety and that is just something you will have to learn to cope with. It may be very hard right now but it will not always be so bad. Sometimes it will be terrible but sometimes you might be able to forget about it completely. Also distractions while you are having an attack are very helpful. Watch your favorite tv show or play a game that requires all your concentration. My number one tip is to distract. It is also very helpful if you are able to tell your loved ones what you are going through. I really love this website because it is so relieveing to know you are not the only one. I am totally here for you!
Hiya Dudtin. I am here and having a hard time with anxiety too and we can go through it together and help each other out. It’s really good to talk about it and stay positive and share what works. I find deep breathing really helps me, and not letting the fear have much power by accepting and letting go and staying busy helps. What do you notice to be helpful?
NB1313 is right, Dustin, the more you fear, the more the fear comes. Try to keep busy. (I know, I know...easier said than done!), try exercise or a brisk walk, talk to friends and relatives. Never, ever, ever give up hope. Your recovery is literally right around the corner once you stop adding the adrenaline. It's a lousy hormone, I agree, but in the right circumstances, it keeps us safe and quick witted when we're really in harm's way. Just don't give up and try to lead as normal a life as possible. I've been through this several times, andthe one thing that continues to work is pushing through. It's not easy, but for me it works. ANd keep knowing that these are just feelings that can't hurt you. Peace is close by.
Bless you and hang in there, kiddo.