I can't stop crying. I need help
I need someone to talk to: I can't stop... - Anxiety Support
I need someone to talk to
Hello hope your feeling ok?
No I have no support feeling all alone and crying
Oh, Trees, are you still crying about Klonopin? Please respond and let us know what is happening around you?
I can't stop crying. My therapist found a place for me to go. It's called the recovery ranch. My husband was screaming. He doesn't want me to go. What am I supposed to do? If I decide to go I have to have my Pastor take me. He doesn't even want me. I'm hurting
OK, what is happening now. Why does your pastor need to take you to the Recovery Ranch? Are you saying your husband doesn't want you? Is he still yelling at you? If you feel like you are in physical danger, please call your pastor or local police number. We're here. Always someone here.
I'm not in physical danger. But he won't take me because he won't support me. The therapist wanted him to come to a session but he won't. She says I need more therapy yet
I need more therapy than once a week. I love hut he keeps putting me down. Just pray for God to give me strength. We are going to my sons for his birthday which is two hours away. Please I need strength not to cry. My husband doesn't want me and I'm hurting.

Ok, what happened to Recovery Ranch? If you think that will help, have your Pastor or therapist or neighbor take you if your husband won't.
Hey It will be okay. From what you have said it sounds like you have a need to go to this ranch and it is what will help you right now because I doubt your therapist would have suggested it. I don't know what you are going in for, but what I do know is that It's hard in any kind of recovery because you have to put yourself first and family can feel a bit 'threatened' usually because you are going to change. I suspect your H is feeling a bit insecure
What I will say is that for your own health and recovery you have to be firm and that means putting yourself at the top of the list
I know but that's hard for me to do. All I want to do is cry. I have anxiety and depression and when he puts me down it hurts. Why doesn't he want me to get help. He doesn't want me to go to the local hospitals either.

Trees, Your team is you and your therapist, and your Pastor. Just work towards getting better. You have authority over your thoughts and your actions. IF you need to go to the local hospital, find a way. How are you tonight?
Are you ok?
No I'm hurting

Oh, Trees, it's hard to read about how you are feeling, but you have control. The only person you can change is you. You know you can't change your husband, but you know you can go the Recovery Ranch, so please just try to go even if you cry all the way.
Look at all the people who have replied to you supporting you. You are not the first woman to have a husband who doesn't deserve you. I am certain there are women members of this forum who have dealt with that and gone on with their lives.
You are going to be ok, but not if you don't do something for yourself. We're here waiting for you to go.xx
I'm afraid to go. I don't want to leave my family. But all I'm doing is crying. I need support.

Its OK to cry. Tears cleans the soul. RELAX, you are making the BEST choice for yourself NOW, and if, in a few weeks you want to make another choice, you can. YOU have authority over your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. WHAT if, you accept how you feel, and go anyway. AS soon as you can check back with us and give us an update.
GO for those of us, who couldn't or didn't go when we should have.
You are NOT alone TREES!!! IT's all okay
I feel alone and scared to go. I wish I had someone to support me. I'm alone right now. .

You are feeling exactly the way you are supposed to feel, given your situation and beliefs. If you are a person who can " trust the process" then trust it. You can always make another choice. FOR NOW, you may be physically alone, however when this forum comes to read your post, in spirit and energetically they will wish you peace and you will not be alone. Get to the ranch. start there.
I'll try to get a ride and call them
I read patient reviews about the ranch and they are bad. Now I don't want to go.

OH, Trees, GO. Usually, the only people who take the time to write reviews are the people who just didn't "get it", or wanted more than was possble, or wanted someone else to do the work of healing for them. Remember Ahora1 researched the place and gave it her thumbs up for it. Everyday people on this forum are reaching through their phones and computers to hug you and support you. It doesn't matter that you can see us doing this, just close your eyes and FEEL us hugging you and holding your hand.
Sorry I couldn't of been any help, but hope you get to the ranch and are able to get past what ever it is your suffering from.
All I can do is send my best wishes and love to you..I wish I could do more.
Thank you

As you see, lots of us are here for you
I'm scared because I'm not feeling better. Scared I won't get better. Can't stop crying.
I understand. A very natural feeling. Feeling scared that you won't get better makes sense, and probably feels like crap, but, really, we've all been there. It may take a few hours or days, but that "scared" feeling will go away. Really.
I've been going through this for 5 years. I want the fear to go away but it's an obsssive thought and the depression makes me sad. My husband doesn't understand and therefore won't support. He wants me to stop my medicine but I just can't do that when he puts me down and makes me sad. He doesn't want me to go to the ranch or the hospital.
I'm afraid of the feeling in my stomach and feeling hurt
I'm afraid of the anxiety that's why it's getting worse.
Darryl, my therapist found a place called the recovery ranch. Wrightsville, pa But I'm so scared to go. They do addiction and mental health. But I think it's mostly addiction. I don't know where to go. My husband wants me to go nowhere. Please help. Can't stop crying. My stomach hurts, ribs, back, hips, pressure in my head.
I can't speak with any insight about residential recovery places, but, if you imagine it will be helpful, then that should be a serious consideration. I can't say to you, go or don't go. I can say to you that a conversation with your husband about "why" he doesn't want you to go anywhere might be helpful. Indeed, couples therapy may actually be empowering to both of you.
you need to go to the ranch for your own health. your husband will just have to accept it. you need to take care of yourself for a change
I will if my Pastor takes me or I can't get there.

Trees, then call your Pastor. You keep responding over and over and over and over with about how you feel and it breaks my heart, and the same reasons for not going. You need to stop writing and just go, no more excuses. We do understand. But time for you to just pick up the phone, call your Pastor and go. Please? xx
Thanks for caring so much. I have to get past my husband.

If you don't get past him, I swear I will find a way, and it won't be pretty. Call your Pastor, PLEASE. xx
I will tomorrow. My daughter isn't nice to me at all. She's mean
Please help I read patient reviews about the ranch and a lot of them are not good. I can't stop crying im all alone. I don't know what to do. I'm so scared.

Trees, I went into the site and it sounds like an amazing place for you to be. I believe your therapist did a good job in finding a safe and competent place for you to get some structure in your life as you work towards getting yourself back. It handles different issues, one of them being dual diagnostics. That would include your anxiety and fears as well as addressing your medication issues. I believe that and your home environment are your biggest triggers. But where better to be than a safe place where you have help all around you. Those little cottages are meant to put people together with the same issues. I looked at the schedule for the day and it coincides with the in patient hospital that I was in.
I think right now you are just so scared that you will find something wrong with anything your therapist recommends. You need that outside help to get better. Office therapy is no longer an option. In patient is all about intense therapy 24/7. I hope you rethink this over and give yourself a chance to get better and go on with your life. Who knows what the future holds for you when you are healed and well once more.
No one can force you. I am hoping that you take advantage of this option, it may be the best thing you've done for yourself in a long, long time. This is your time to work on you. xx
Hello....hope you are feeling a little better. please think of your needs right now and get help. Maybe the ranch will be a good, positive place for you?
Thank you
I don't know why no one has come out and said you need to get away from your husband. He could be the root of your anxiety. Sounds as if you've been with him for years. No one can take years of being "put down "!
If you get to the ranch you'll be able to put your life in perspective.