May not make sense to some
This is how I am feeling
And what happened today
I’m literally falling apart as I write this.
By that meaning lots crying and blaming myself for being such a clumsy person
Both my parents and family know about my anxiety issues which are deeply rooted toward my health
It’s honestly not my fault
That I get like this at every twinge of pain
Or Tripp or bump or any other weird pain that comes randomly to body
I can’t turn it off I wish I could
This defense in my body made for danger is turning on me every time I slip trip or feel any type of pain that seems strange
My family’s called me crazy , irrational
That I’m make it up to go to a doctor
That the pains in my head and body are not there
sending me to a mental institution etc.
Well it happened today
It was a nice day
Then at 3:00pm today i tripped over the doggy fence in the kitchen I broke it while tripping and my dad yelled at me I landed hard with my left side on the floor I didn’t hit my head when I tripped but 10mins after the headache and neck pain slowly started ? I took a panadol right afterwards hasn’t helped I googled and sent myself panicking about concussions and internal brain bleeds related to falls and tripping just getting even more anxious again more than I was already
Texted my mom about it and she ignored me or ignored the I’m in pain part
I expressed my concern and wanting to check myself over and she said no
It’s 10:14pm right now just came back from shopping with Mom now she yelled at me because I wanted to make sure this wasn’t serious and get checked out
I understand her I do this most of the time I can’t help it
It’s how I cope I guess
It still hurt my feelings though
I’m crying in my room right now feeling stupid
My anxiety hasn’t been this bad in three years.. I feel ridiculous for crying about this
pain hasn’t gotten worse but still anxious about any thing going on internally inside
Thanks to google
Idk what to do
What should I do ?
Any advice
Anybody else been through this?