Does anyone feel dizzy , tired , low energy after having a panic attack ??????
After affect of panic attack ??? - Anxiety Support
After affect of panic attack ???
Yeah it wipes me out, I feel like I can sleep and don’t wanna do much, the dizziness is horrible too isn’t it
Ya I can barely do anything I’m so exhausted and super thirsty too , now I’m just scared to have another one 😵😴😭
Yes, terribly and I feel if I've had a bad day or night the next day I ache everywhere from tensing up and I feel gross, lightheaded, spells of nausea, a day feels a week sometimes
I agree , it’s so strange how our body reacts I still can’t believe myself that I have anxiaty and panic attacks, all this started a year ago , befor then I never knew what neither was over night my life changed
Exactly the same with me when I was just 16 so 6 years ago now, and my life was great and now it's started up again, but ever been the same since it first started! Have you been too doctors or therapy about your anxiety and panic attacks?x
No I haven’t , i wouldn’t say I’m in denial but I feel embarrassed abit , if I was to see a doctor about it I know he would recommend medication for anxiaty and I don’t wanna take any medication. I thought of goin to a anxiaty therapist tho I just have to find the courage to go
I would feel tired and sleep after a panic attack. It’s like I joined the marathon hahaha
Always. To like a hangover!
Completely draining
Yes , I cry and cry while I’m having my symptoms sometimes and that makes me want to sleep and than my heart rate is super slow. Anxiety and panic attacks are the worst for me . I try to be logical about it but when I can’t I cry a lot and my body is done and I’m super dizzy like vertigo .. ever need to talk I’m so here
For the longest time I thought I was the only going threw this , I’m so thankful for his website and support 🙂
Definitely not ... I’m here if u ever need to talk
How do u deal with your anxiaty ?? I have general anxiaty so it’s 24/7
I try to be logical about the symptoms but it’s not easy. I positive talk to myself. I say you have already been threw this many times ur not going to die and ur gonna take control of ur life. Most of the time it works but when they are really bad I try to ignore it and do something to keep my mind going. Read my story it’s title my struggle for the past 9months.
I will pm you with my number so if u ever need someone to talk u threw it I’m here
Know this! FAST and what it means.
I would go to a Doctor and let them know what you are experiencing.
Hell yea. Those adrenal glands kick you into high gear and you burn out.
I am completely WIPED OUT for a day or two after a panic attack, all I want to do is sleep and I'm so dizzy. I feel more on edge and anything small can make me upset, I feel extra emotional. After effects of a panic attack are almost worse than the panic attacks themselves
It is true that we do get completely "wiped out" after experiencing a panic attack. Physically, restore your body's balance and emotionally go on with your life. Don't allow "fear of fear" take over. Don't allow the "what if" to become your focus. It happened, it's over with and we go on.
For emotional duress, meditation and deep breathing can help calm the mind. YouTube has many Audio Videos that can quiet your fears and negative thoughts. I find audio works better than just music. When the mind is that active with fearful thoughts, it needs a guiding voice to put you back on the right path to calmness and serenity. I wish you peace. Breathe xx
Yes takes me a month or two to recover from one. I feel so off balance n lightheaded it's ridiculous
Me either