Panic attack: I’m sitting here bawling. I... - Anxiety Support

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Panic attack

anon99 profile image
49 Replies

I’m sitting here bawling. I just had the worst panic attack out of nowhere! My heart started thumping out of my chest, I got real sweaty with the chills, I felt like I couldn’t breathe and my chest had a burning pain in the center of it. I wanted to run to the ER so bad and I still do but Ive already racked up so many bills just to be told I’m ok. 😭 Why do they feel so real and scary?! Gosh I was having a relaxing Sunday and now I’m crying because it’s so terrifying. 💔 I’m just glad it’s over with. ( deep breaths )

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anon99 profile image
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49 Replies
alekst2104 profile image

Hi hun, that's horrible to hear... I hate when one minute you're having an amazing day and then the next it's the worst day ever... I really hope you're feeling better x

If you ever need to talk, my inbox is open :) x

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to alekst2104

Thank you. 🖤 I’m just on edge now. 😩😩

alekst2104 profile image
alekst2104 in reply to anon99

Honestly hunny, I'm not surprised. I would as well. Just know that if you ever need to talk or you feel the need to rant, my inbox is open :) x

apayett24 profile image

I get them everyday it does suck and is so scary it makes you feel like your dying.

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to apayett24

It’s so bad. It’s like when it’s happening all that runs through my mind is “you’re dying” then it’s “better head to the ER” then it’s “you’re too late, you’ll die waiting on the doctors to do their job” and I FLIP.

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to anon99

I have so much anxiety that I never leave my house sometims I can't even leave my room .

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to apayett24

Me too. :( I’m such a recluse now. I just like to stay in bed and watch Netflix.

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to anon99

I can't even get out to the doc or anything I watch movies all day till I can go to bed and wake up and do it all over again I'm scared of dying from a heart attack or something

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to apayett24

From the moment I open my eyes in the morning and close them at night I’m anxiety ridden.. my fear is a blood clot. 😭 it’s crazy hearing somebody else relate to what I go through daily. I wish it would all go away. I wanna be happy and fearless again.

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to anon99

I know the feeling I wish to go outside again and go places but I get so much anxiety that when I have a panic attack its like my heart feels like its racing whens its not I get over heated I sweat a lot and feel like I'm going to die

JAYnLA profile image
JAYnLA in reply to apayett24

Start slow, apayett. Just a short walk outside. Go a few steps further than what is comfortable and you are on your way to recovery. I know these feelings well.

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to JAYnLA

I am so scared of having a heart attack I think thats why I'm having so much trouble with it

JAYnLA profile image
JAYnLA in reply to apayett24

For me, I had to get medical reassurance often until I was able to tame my obsessive fear of a heart attack. Remember: heart attacks don't come and go. Your symptoms do.

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to JAYnLA

I was diagnosed agoraphobic and been 4 years I haven't left my house

JAYnLA profile image
JAYnLA in reply to apayett24

That is so sad to hear. My heart goes out to you. Are you medicated?

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to JAYnLA

The meds they gave me made it worse and I wasnt abke to make it back to the doc to get new meds

JAYnLA profile image
JAYnLA in reply to apayett24

If you feel safe to reveal it, which medicine did you have a bad reaction to?

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to JAYnLA


JAYnLA profile image
JAYnLA in reply to apayett24

Well I hope you're able to try something else that may help soon. In the meantime, look up the audio books by Dr. Claire Weekes. She talks about agoraphobia a bit.

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to JAYnLA

Its not hypnotism is it?

JAYnLA profile image
JAYnLA in reply to apayett24

No. It is not hypnotism.

Johnphilip profile image
Johnphilip in reply to JAYnLA

Hi yes her books helped me over 25 years ago. I was in a very very dark place in my head . Long for sleep to get away from it all . Please read her books . She did help me honest . Take care .

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to apayett24

I had bad reactions to a few anxiety medications and refused to try anymore. But my doctor and I made the choice to try Ativan. Ativan helps me and maybe you could talk to your doctor about it. The only side effects I get are some dizziness and fatigue - it helps with my insomnia also so much & also my appetite because anxiety makes me not eat and I lost a lot of weight a few months ago and I’m finally gaining it back slowly. I take a tiny dose 0.5 mg twice daily. Just a thought. 🖤

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to anon99

Its just so hard right now because I cant leave my house my anxiety is too high

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to apayett24

I understand. Maybe try calling your doctor and explaining things- maybe he/she is willing to do an at home visit.

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to anon99

I tried they dont do at home visits :(

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to apayett24

Make a call too the doc or crisis helping line just cry it out

Use cold whater in your face

Drink a lot off whater

And than just do what you can do

But talk too you doc ❤️

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to apayett24

Every day ?

Why you don't go too a doc ??

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to Elfje

Everyday panic attacks yes I'm agoraphobic

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to apayett24

That is like me

I have also panic attacks butt I have talkt too my doc

Because that is not a life

Every day

With me is more from huge stress

So not nice

apayett24 profile image
apayett24 in reply to Elfje

Ya its so bad sometimes I lay in bed in a fetal position just lay there not moving bc every time I move I feel tgis pressure in my chest I know its my anxiety but it doesn't help I'm always afraid

Elfje profile image
Elfje in reply to apayett24

Ye anxiety is ye scary

I know

But it's anxiety

I think you better talk too you doc

I am SO sorry that you had to go through that. I hate the ones that come seriously out of nowhere when you are having a good day. I am so glad it’s over now. I totally am the same way being on edge after a bad panic attack. I like to do super comforting things after a bad one. I take a bath with some candles, make hot chocolate, watch one of my favorite movies and cuddle up with my dogs. Is there anything comforting that you could try to take your mind off things and take the edge off? Message me anytime if you ever need to talk. I’m here 💜

Anxietynomore profile image

Has anyone here tried Lorazapam? It just takes the edge off. When my stepson died I had anxiety for a week and my doctor recommended .5 lorazapam. It really helped to quiet my thoughts so I could function. Also if I plan a trip to the big grocerie store I take one an hour before and can get thru the trip. I hope this helps.

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to Anxietynomore

Definitely, that’s what I take. .05 mg twice daily :)

Amrinlama profile image

Plz don’t think too much it’s all your mind is playing with you because nicotine is coming slowly out so go for a walk with ur fav song

Make busy urself

Try fitness

Nothing will happen we are healthy

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to Amrinlama

Thanks 🖤

Although I don’t smoke, so not sure where the nicotine part came from. :P

Crissypreso profile image

It’s a horrible feeling I feel so bad for you. Hopefully it will resign I have the same Panic attack’s also seizures. After brain haemoragh. Thoughts fro to you 😟😟

Tembo profile image

I know exactly how you felt - its SO scary. Well done gor riding it out & hey, you survived - well done! I find breathing in for 6 & out for 6 when I feel it starting really helps as it cuts it off at the pass. This too shall pass & my panic attacks do not define who I am - they are triggered by thoughts, not feelings & I am not my thoughts. Hope tour day is better today.

Layla10 profile image

I'm on a lot of meds for depression, anxiety panic attacks ptsd

Last week my dr gave me a mood stabilizer and I really feel a lot better I

Hope it lasts

I never knew about mood stabilizers until he gave it to me

Holmeydaisy profile image

Do you take a B Complex supplement? I started taking a BComplex supplement and my anxiety and panic has lessened considerably....

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to Holmeydaisy

No I don’t. Sure is worth a try though. :) thanks!

Holmeydaisy profile image
Holmeydaisy in reply to anon99

I also take Vitamin D3 (2 tablets 25 mcg). The change is noticeable...

Cibolagirl profile image

I'm sorry, it sucks doesn't it? I started have anxiety and panic after going off a benzo they gave me for sleep. I didn't know what was wrong with me. He said I had just developed an anxiety disorder. Really? Overnight? So, he put me on another benzo Ativan. Things just got worse. I got off all benzos but have been left with this hell for 9 years! During a PET scan they found I have a nodule on my adrenal glad. Tests show it is causing the glad to excrete too much of a hormone randomly and especially during a bad thought. It also causes spikes in my blood pressure! I have more tests to see about getting it removed.

Meanwhile I've been given BuSpar that has helped tremendously. I will never take another benzodiazepine!

Good luck. Just hope my story helps you or someone! I write this in a tense rolled up ball on my bed.

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to Cibolagirl

Do you have a pheochromocytoma? I’ve also been checked for that, but I don’t have it.

At least you will have relief after getting that sucker removed. They’re very rare.

Cibolagirl profile image
Cibolagirl in reply to anon99

We will see. I have done a 24 per test. One hormone came back high. I have to stay off one of my Rxs for 4 weeks then do another one after ingesting 3 tbsps of salt a day for 4 days! Ugh! Did you have to do any of this? How did they find you didn't have it?

anon99 profile image
anon99 in reply to Cibolagirl

The scan. :) & no I didn’t do any of the 24 hour urine collections.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Bob, nice to see a familiar face. I hope you

and your family are doing well. :)

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Hope your feeling better? I've read Many stories about people going to the ER to be told nothings wrong? You never know, but I think after a few of those you'll know. I wake up every morning scared/upset stomach. I have OCD about doing the wrong thing, I doubt everything I do, especially things like banking, shopping, even flushing the toilet afraid it will over flow. This started when I was young, my mother always then let me know she regretted having me. So though the years I was blamed for everything wrong. Even to this day I worry about being blamed? My kids didn't believe me till my sister validated it to them. Sometimes my daughter shop's for me cause I can't leave the house. Are you going to counseling? Please go, it can be crippling as I'm sure you know.

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