Every time I try to leave my house my heart starts to pound really loudly and I feel like I’m going to die or have a heart attack is this normal does anyone else have agoraphobia and don’t take meds for it? I also get that way when I been sitting to long
Agoraphobic : Every time I try to leave my... - Anxiety Support

Yes. I'm starting to have it. I don't feel my heart racing but I come close to passing out. I get lightheaded, dizzy I get hot and start sweating. I come close to feeling like I'll pass out when I'm out alone. I'm afraid I won't be able to go out at all not even accompanied. Scared to feel sick outside, feel safer at home. This started a few months back and has gotten worst
I used to get those symptoms when I was in the shower getting ready to go out. My symptoms started before I even hit the door sometimes.
I had to find something that I really wanted to do, to go out without any symptoms.
Just go out, for no reason, but keep going out even if it is to get some fresh air.
You have every right to feel the way you do...........I really get it.
Sometimes I get so scared that if I leave my house I’ll have a heart attack I’m only 26 I have only made it 50 feet down my road it’s been this way for 4 years
Some of us suffer longer than other people. We all have our reasons. The base of the problem is our belief system. The other base is control.
Getting to know yourself and know what is behind your fright will get you to accept who and what you are. If you sit with paper and pen and write down what you believe about yourself, and what makes you "feel" like you do , you can challenge your thoughts.
Until then, accept how you feel, accept your limitations and if you can go 50 feet down the road, continue the 50 until you can go 51
Ironically, you cannot keep on avoiding going out or you will increasingly be limited. Have you heard of exposure therapy? Basically you must take baby steps to do the things you are afraid of—in this case going out. I did suffer when I was younger and in a stressful part of my life, often felt my heart beat rapidly and that I would be sick in crowds. Envision a small treat for yourself that involves going out, like arrange to go for ice cream with a trusted friend, so that you have a small pleasure to reward you, and work up to harder challenges a bit at a time. Best of luck.
I’m trying small things but I broke my glasses and I need new ones but can’t get there because I’m so scared
I’m trying small things but I broke my glasses and I need new ones but can’t get there because I’m so scared
I have extreme agoraphobia. Haven’t left my house in 8 years. What ever you do don’t let yourself become trapped inside your house.
It is horrific and depression sets in very quickly.
I haven’t spoke to another person face to face in 5 years.
I have lost all but 3 teeth and I cut my own hair and i have no life at all.
Please do what u have to do to stop being agoraphobic.
Ladies, there are therapists in the US that deal with this condition and other phobias but do not know about UK. The sad truth is that by giving in to the fear it gets worse. I say this with compassion because I was a sufferer too. My ex was totally without understanding and MADE me go out into crowds, markets etc. Strangely, but it’s true of this condition, i got better bit by bit. Would have been far better to have an understanding friend or relative to ease me out, that is best, and i pray that for you.