I was okay earlier then bent down got back up I seen white stars and then boom my chest was hurting head felt like a hot flush felt dizzy please please help I do suffer with anxiety but this has by far been the worse 😢😢my chest was as if some one was sitting on it like my heart was crushing I thought I was having a heart arch ðŸ˜please help
Please please help ðŸ˜: I was okay earlier... - Anxiety Support
Please please help ðŸ˜

For your peace of mind I think you should phone for an ambulance so they can check your heart with an ECT, don't take chances.
I feel better now it's a full blown panic attack I have had an 29 the doctors done bloods ecg 24hr heart monitor and I need to take mess but scared to coz had a reaction health anxiety and panic attracts are a horrible thing
Am 29
O.K., Saz, you know what you're doing, not likely to be a heart problem then, 'just' anxiety. You will find many suggestions on this forum for dealing with anxiety, I hope they help.
Hi Saz12345 iv just read a post from you as I am just going through the roof withy anxiety it's awful convinced something is seriously wrong heart now just cos I'm. Feeling bloated with backache maybe ibs but oh I know you would understand I will stI'll try get in with doc hope just a water infection! .How are you doing. Binkynoo.