I was feeling ok earlier and now I got a sharp pain in my chest and I had some water and was lying down and I got like palpitation as if my heart skipped a beat I feel so scared now and was like a lump In my throats like I felt it in my throats aswell was horrible now I feel scared that it's my heart please help 😢x
Feel scared coz what had just happend - Anxiety Support
Feel scared coz what had just happend

Hello, and I'm sorry you're having another health related anxiety concern. During the last few years, you have posted dozens of posts crying out for help, and we're always here to listen. If you are really believing you are having a serious medical problem, go to the hospital ER as I don't if there are any other medical facilities open on Sunday in England.

Thabkyou I go the doctors a lot had heart scans done blood pressure monitors ecg bloods etc they said it's all anxiety i just can't cope when I get these symptoms
Hello again. Now I am going to say something very straight forward but not hurt your feelings.
If you already know from the doctors that your complaints are not medical emergencies, but related to stress, please don't post that you have something that you ask us for help because you don't know what to do and to "please help". That is what your doctor and therapist are for. Many, many posts appear in my computer mailbox every day and I can't possibly read all of them. Pick up your phone sometimes when you need just to talk to someone and give friend a call or a member of your family. We do support you, but we need you to check on us sometimes, too. Or to answer a post that needs support, even if you are having some concerns. Ok? Ok.

I come on hear for someone to past the anxiety by while am having an attack I have 2 young kids so can't always get on in future I won't
I get the same feeling but when I'm about to go to sleep. Suddenly I start getting heart palpitations and I feel an electric shock through my body then it goes away after a couple minutes. Literally gets in the way of my sleep sometimes. But I from what I've heard it's just anxiety and all the stress you have built up in you.
Yes I Do have some good days. It's really only when I'm at home by myself. That's when I have a lot of time to think and everything starts building up from there. Keep yourself occupied and keep your mind off of it the best way you can. Eventually you'll learn to control it. But I'm at a stage right now where it's severe sometimes I can't control the situation.. shoot sometimes I even feel like breaking down into tears
Sometimes I feel like breaking down into tears, too. I think it's okay to give ourselves permission to cry. It's hard to believe that our physical symptoms are caused by anxiety, but they are. We have to learn to not react to them with fear - which is easier said than done. In other words, "Oh, it's just anxiety again and it will pass"...and it does. It took a while for all of that stress to build up in our bodies and it is going to take time for it to decrease. Learning how to relax has been a big challenge for me because I've always been a "doer". It's not a familiar feeling, to feel relaxed. It's something that I have to learn to become comfortable with. And, I have to learn to let some things go - which I have been doing. Things are not quite as clean and tidy as they once were, but I've decided that my health takes precedence. If I need to take time out for calm breathing, I do it. Or, to go for a drive, or walk, or play with the dogs, or just sit on the front porch and watch the hummingbirds.