Newbie Post - Anxiety & heart health - Anxiety Support

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Newbie Post - Anxiety & heart health

Cookie0499 profile image
6 Replies

Hi Guys, I'm Chantelle. Im new here and am so grateful for support forums like these!! Talking to friends and family helps, but talking to people who can genuinely relate to my struggles is a life saver!

I literally feel like my anxiety comes and goes but when it comes back its a symptom that's brand new. Almost like its coming back to surprise me in some new ugly way to ensure maximum panic.

For example, a few months back I was at panic stations about my breathing (do I have asthma, is something blocked, all the usual extremities ones mind spirals toward), and before that I was convinced that my light headedness was a sure sign of epilepsy. I want to laugh about it all because when im in a good place it all seems so silly but man does anxiety create some of the most realistic and frightening physical symptoms!

So that brings me to my most recent ugly surprise - heart palpitations and heart awareness. When I look at the facts (recently married in world's most stressful wedding, honeymooned for two weeks in unknown surrounds, recently began weaning off of my medication (idiot?), usual family drama/stresses) I feel like anxiety is the clear culprit but now that im trying to settle down from all the madness im getting icky heart flutters/ palpitations in the last week, a few times a day, usually around lunch and in the evening. These have never popped up with my anxiety before, hence the uncertainty. They sometimes come with catching my breath a little and weird muscle twitches in my tummy and chest (boob? region), some dizziness and of course, pure panic.

I've been to the doctor just yesterday and she ran an ECG and blood test to rule out anything nasty but believes its anxiety. Blood pressure and heart rate at the time were all fine. Typical though, none of my symptoms were present during my visit and tests. I get the results next week.

I guess I'm wondering how common this sort of symptom/s is and seeking a little reassurance to get me through the weekend.

I have a wonderful husband who has been my strength many a time, but I feel like he needs a break from my constant state of worry!

Chantelle x

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6 Replies

Hi Chantelle. I get your same symptoms and had all the same tests done, only difference is you have a doctor who pin pointed what the issue is with you. Mines does not listen and says I'm fine . My anxiety keeps me up,I feel any little thing I'm scared to go to sleep. You are not alone in this I know how you feel

Cookie0499 profile image
Cookie0499 in reply to

Hi Swan83, thats terrible your doctor doesn't listen. I recently changed doctors because my previous one would just write a script for a new icky chemical combo everytime i mentioned my anxiety. It felt like he was too busy to refer me to the right places. Definitely take recommendations on a new doc! Its an awful feeling isnt it? Its comforting to know you can relate. Sleep is another battle thats for sure.

That happens to me all the time. To the point I’ve been admitted for the whole cardiac workup afew Times. Always fine. The thing that helped the most was having a 24 hour halter monitor. Mine never acts up at doctor either. It’s like it’s messing with me or something! Lol. Caffeine, anxiety, stress etc can cause palpitations. One is fine. It’s usually fine if otherwise asymptomatic. When it happens it’s always worrisome. Then worrying makes it worse. Sucks huh!? It sounds like you have had a busy couple months. Sounds like anxiety. If it was more serious it probably would have done it for ekg. You should discuss your concerns with a doctor about the fact that it didn’t happen during ekg. She may order halter monitor. It can’t hurt it does sound like how my anxiety affects me. Often different and always similar to much more serious problems. I’m glad you went to doctor. Try taking a walk or exercising etc. It’s the best medicine. Leave the area you are in. Go outside. Take a fresh breath focusing on it and take a walk paying very close attention to your surroundings. Sights, sounds,smells etc. I hope it helps. Congratulations on your marriage.

Cookie0499 profile image
Cookie0499 in reply to Hopeful-Tinkerbell

Oh wow, yep im constantly imagining the moment they have to wheel me in to emergency! Sorry to hear of your experiences, its such an awful cycle of feelings :( my gut says anxiety but i also thought a halter monitor would put my mind at ease. I'll definitely mention it and the lack of symptoms at my follow up. I have definitley found getting up and walking around or just moving in general a help and im a big fan of grounding techniques like you mentioned. Thanks so much Shawny89 :)

Hopeful-Tinkerbell profile image
Hopeful-Tinkerbell in reply to Cookie0499

We’re always here!

Ollie33 profile image

Hi I have suffered from anxiety for almost two years with heart palps daily due to anxiety I have Been told all started when I had my baby prematurely and post natal depression . You should read Claire weekes books self help for nerves xxx I'm sorry you feel this way it's not easy but you are strong xxx

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