after i heared a story of death of someone yesterday, i feel lightheaded.shortness of breath then numb in my arms.. why is this happening?
i feel lightheaded: after i heared a story... - Anxiety Support
i feel lightheaded

Yea metoo it happens to me whenever i heard someones death i worry a lot and also i get lightheaded. It was anxiety thats why you feel lightheaded but try not to think of it or try not to worry about it it will eventually go away...
yes when i feel numb in my hands, i keep saying to myself that i know it's just anxiety..but still i feel scared that something bad will happen to me
the same thing happens with me but i end up having a full blown out anxiety attack and it sucks ass

exactly.but it is good to know that I'm not alone
It’s always good knowing you’re not alone

have u been to a psychiatrist? I'm planning. but someone told me that it's not needed..
for me, i just wanna make sure that this is really because of anxiety. i feel not comfortable with this feeling, i have this 24/7 and get worse when i hear about deaths or disease. so weird..
No I haven’t my family just wants me to suck it up and deal with it 😬😬 great family huh? I smoke weed to keep calm and it helps prevent anxiety attacks for me as well. It’s not the best way to cope with it but it helps /: it’s better than self harming
Yeah I get that a lot, it’s anxiety. Ur brain probably try to tell u it’s something else that make u worry etc
Just try be busy and go for walk, deep breathing and be happy
It will just go away!!
It’s not easy as it’s like a war with ur brain!!
Do not go on google and look up as it will make it worse!!
Be positive! 👍🏻
You’re definitely not alone, I’ve been the same way for 2 years. Every time I hear of something happening to someone or a diagnosis of some sort, I panic and fear of it happening to me of someone I love. And I literally obsess over it and think about it all day long and even lose my appetite over it and feel depression over the fear. I just started cognitive therapy about 3 weeks ago and I can tell it’s starting to help. It basically teaches you how to think properly again. My therapist teaches me how to stop catastrophizing everything. Even when I’m on social media and I see a post about something related to anything like this I instantly feel so much anxiety and can’t stop thinking about it. I would recommend therapy, cognitive therapy because it deals with the thinking process
And it’s anxiety for sure, I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, some ptsd, and a little depression due to the anxiety