I was laying down and started feeling this nagging pain by my breast area on my left hand side it keeps coming and going i got so scared im shaking and my stomach broke down and i had to rush to the toilet my anxiety is on high mode right now. Could it be tensiom because i have been experiencing tensed shoulder and arms lately and sometimes i can feel my shoulder muscle tense and relax please someone help the pain keeps going and coming back.
Need help pleaseeee: I was laying down and... - Anxiety Support
Need help pleaseeee

Yes. Shoulder tension is huge for me and can cause random spasms all around. Mine wrap around my entire left side. It’s so frustrating. I’ve had all kinds of tests and my physical therapist, chiropractor, and massage therapist all confirm it’s trigger points in my muscles. Also, reflux can cause this kinda of pain.
If you have had tests or been to the doctor to confirm no medical issues, rest assured that’s it just another frustrating anxiety symptom.
Wow didnt knw tension can cause pain like that i jus cant seem to ever relax my shoulders they are alwayssss tense even my ears.
Hi Cwoods, I agree with DeeM3, that this pain could be coming from trigger points in your shoulder muscles.
It's most likely the place you are carrying all your stress like I do. My shoulders and my neck. I could bet your shoulders are nearly touching your ears in anticipation and fear.
Give this a try if you will. Throw a large bath towel in the dryer for about 15 minutes. When you take it out, immediately wrap it around your shoulders up and including your neck and ears. Find a comfortable chair and just breathe in that relaxing warm feeling all around you. the first thing you should notice is your shoulders dropping away from your ears. Ahhh feel the heat, feel the calm.
I do this as often as I need to sometimes putting a blanket over my legs, having a hot drink to warm the insides as well and read a book or watch tv. The few moments you give yourself can be very beneficial . And it didn't take any medication. Feel better xx
Awesome idea agora i have been struggling alot lately with my tense shoulders and ears sometimes when im unaware i can feel my shoulders drop mostly the left i did however went to the store and got some epsom salt and lavender oil to do a soak.
Sounds lovely! I carried my shoulders up to my ears for the longest time and didn’t realize it. It still takes a lot of consciousness effort to stop myself (as well as holding my jaw tight). I don’t even realize I’m doing it until the triggerpoints activate in my jaws and in my shoulders. It is a never ending battle. Warm baths do help me so very much. Woods Looking at diagrams of triggerpoints is very insightful. Look them up on Google not that I usually recommend google LOL. But you could see how one trigger point can radiate through half of your body and it can be very misleading, making you think that it is something is way worse than what it truly is.
Lol we all know goggle is not our friend i did however go on youtube and found out some info thanks once again.
DeeM3, In the past I had so much physical therapy as well as occupational therapy to release those trigger points which were causing "referred" pain. I was taught different modalities to use on my own. One of them being to break up that trigger point in your shoulder, take your index finger, find the spot and press deeply and firmly holding it for 30-40 seconds.Then release your finger. It is sometimes enough to break up those spasms. Another one is using the handle of a cane drape that over your shoulder and press down with the cane on that trigger point, same outcome, releasing the spasm. Live and learn x
I have been having the same pain for the last 4 days. Mines is right under my left breast. I told my doctor who did an ekg. But he did not seem worried although he couldn't explain what it could be. I was getting mines followed by gas. Now it just comes and goes on its own through out the day. Lasts a few seconds at a time. It's scary . But I'm guessing it has to do with gas or anxiety.

Yes its very scary because of where it is right close by the heart i hate anxiety so much!