I feel so horrible. I can't take this a an... - Anxiety Support

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I feel so horrible. I can't take this a anymore

Elizabeth04 profile image
9 Replies

I feel so drained.. nauseous & weak. My ears feel like they have pressure in them. I just want to feel good again, I can't take this anymore. I feel so sick.

I want to feel better, I want to have one day where I just feel great. I don't understand what I ever did to deserve this.

In the past when I've had my blood drawn my potassium has been very low everytime.. That scares me, like what if it's low now? I just feel too sick to eat

On Wednesdays I teach 4 & 5 year olds at my church. I don't want to but I'm thinking about giving that up. During that time my kids go there so if I didn't go I'd get a break. and I feel so awful most of the time i don't feel like going ugh

Sorry this is all over the place. I just needed to maybe talk to someone. Im praying for better days.... but I remember hoping for better days a year ago too

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Elizabeth04 profile image
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9 Replies

I know how you feel, I was so awful three months ago I couldn’t eat so I lost a stone and a half still losing a bit now as haven’t got my appetite back. I am constantly restless in bed. I have had all the tests done and I’m fine heart and body wise but don’t feel it. I have had a good few weeks mind than stomach pains which today reading an article about signs of pancreatic cancer sent me into a panic attack as I thought maybe I have that and my stomach problems are cancer which sent my heart rate up and derealisation. I keep telling myself it’s only anxiety and I have to accept it to beat it and not fight it which has helped and most of my physical symptoms have gone and don’t have many now and if i do it’s not all day.

Lifeless100 profile image

I can relate to all of this. The pressure in my ears, head…at times feels like I will explode or get vertigo etc. I live this. Oddly, I went to my regular doctor and explained this. He smiled and gave me a prescription nasal spray. It ended right then. I was amazed. I tried pills, allergy pills…he said they won’t work. I tried the spray and WOW all over.

These moments in time, these feelings and symptoms…they will pass and come back…they will dance right on the edge at times too….but in the end, you will be a better human for going through it. I remember asking myself what the hell I ever did to deserve this. I never got an answer and I assume I never will. 3 years ago my wife yelled for me. I came in and she explained our daughter had a rash. She looked terrified. I said ok…a rash..no biggie. She told me it didn’t blanch. I had no idea what that meant. Long story short, off to the doctors. Doctors said it was petechiae and we needed to see a hematologist at the UPMC Children’s Hospital. Days went by of wonder and fear. Leukemia was nothing I wanted to hear about. Yet the cards were pointing that way. We walked in and the doors opened up. Girls here age and younger sitting for appointments….most were bald from Chemo. My heart sank. My Father in law text me and told me God was watching over us. I looked at the kids who were bald and wondered who was watching them! We got all the tests…she was fine and did not have it. I was able to be a part of the human race again after the good news. I lost track of why I was telling you this….OH I remember now. Life and our issues go hand in hand. We become them and they become us. Yet in time they will pass because there are bigger issues that need our attention and somehow we forget them during those times. I remember thinking that I had no issues ever compared to that. It was a tough time.

My Father died two years ago. Carra was 5 then. Every single time we went to the hospital to visit him, she wanted to stop and pray for him on the way out. We would stop and she would light a candle for Grandad. Ths continued for over a month. When he passed, my wife and I walked in the door. She was at my inlaws. Right away she asked me if we could stop at St. Francis Church on the way home to pray for him. We went. Once inside I gave her the news. She cried and her little voice said: “I’m sorry Dad”. I asked her what she was sorry for, I could not understand. “My prayers were not good enough to save him I guess”. At that moment, I sank.

You will have great days with all of the anxieties the symptoms…all of it. You will learn to live in the moments of time when it all feels ok….:)

Ayanna profile image
Ayanna in reply to Lifeless100

I can relate to the pressure in ears and head thing as well and I too take Flonase but I feel like WHY?? I shouldn’t have to take Flonase for the rest of my life and out of nowhere like where does this come from it sucks!

WhereIsFreedom profile image

I know how you feel!!!! I always feel like this. Questioning ourselves like why us? What did we do to feel so miserable for the rest of our lives?! You are Not alone.

flanker profile image

If you totally distract yourself by getting busy with other stuff you should feel better

seaShelly profile image

It seems like every time I do blood work something is low- magnesium, potassium, b12, and I'm always low on Vit D since I work indoors in an office. Each time it's something new. I decided that if it isn't 2 consecutive tests I don't worry about it anymore. As far as giving up teaching - if having some quiet time for yourself will make a difference don't be afraid to drop that. It took me years to figure out that men have no trouble at all giving up extra responsibilities when they need to, but women always feel like we have to do everything, say yes to everyone, run ourselves into the ground. If that is volunteer work you should definitely give yourself a break. It doesn't make you a bad person.

Jeff1943 profile image

Elizabeth, you are not going to feel like this forever. It is a bad patch you are going through and with knowledge and self help you will overcome and recover. In fact only one thing is needed for you to feel well again and that is for your nerves to become pacified. The rest of your body is not what is causing your bad feelings, it's simply that your nervous system is playing up because it is tired, over-wrought and over sensitised.

I know you'd like someone to come along and wave that wand that makes it all go away. I can't do that but I can tell you how you can make yourself recover. If you don't mind me saying so, and please forgive me if you do, I notice that your post contains nothing positive about any plans you have to aid your recovery. It is that all-important task that you must now direct your thoughts and your energy towards. You must accept a road plan for recovery and stick to it.

You asked in your post why this is happening to you, what you have done to deserve this. I will answer you: for a lengthy period of time you have been frughtening yourself half to death because of your nervous symptoms and how you feel. And the fear you produce is what keeps your nervous system over sensitised, the bad feelings cause fear which produces more bad feelings which cause more fear and on and on it goes.

If only you could stop generating fear, or begin to control and reduce it, you start to give your jangled nerves a chance to recover. Are temporarily disfunctioning nerves worth getting so distraught over? I suggest not. They can't kill you or disable you ir send you crazy, the power of anxiety-prone nerves is very limited. If you could practice co-existing with your nerves forthe time being, that is to say accepting the unpleasant symptoms, onky calmly and with the minimum of fear you would be beginning a process that with time would lead to your nervous system becoming de-sensitised.Then your peaceful mind would return and your sufferings would be at an end.

Why live in fear of something that is really a few blips in your nervous system? Why be bullied and intimidated by a temporary feeling? You are more powerful than a few nervous glitches and the fraudulent symptoms they send your way. I say fraudulent because they are not real symptoms caused by organic disease, they are fake sensations caused by the very fear that you generate.

You feel sick? Say: "So what?" You feel pressure behind your ears? Say: "Who cares?" You feel anxious? Say: "Get lost!" By accepting all the symptoms for the time being despite their discomfort you have started a process whereby your anxiety's days are numbered. You've been on this forum long enough to know I'm advocating the acceptance nethod for recovery from anxiety disorder as set out in the writings of Doctor Claire Weekes. I strongly recommend you read her first book and if you've already read it then read it again.

jessiejakes profile image
jessiejakes in reply to Jeff1943

Hi jeff1943 great advice as usual needed to remind myself the last few days I've got virus and feeling unwell hot and cold flushes.and feeling sorry for myself.but after reading your positive post.I'm off to bed with a big smile on my face and with a positive attitude...... This virus is only temporary and I will get better and look at it as a inconvience.thank you for your wise words.

Drink milk, that has potassium in it as do bananas and coconut water.

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