So I'm carving Halloween pumpkins with my daughter and all the sudden i felt very faint. So I layed down and put my feet up. Then after about 3-4 mins I checked my blood pressure and it was 140/95 then I checked again after one minute and it was 146/91 then I checked again after another minute and it was 129/82. I am afraid of passing out in front of my daughter.
Blood pressure. : So I'm carving Halloween... - Anxiety Support
Blood pressure.

My normal is 153/90 and docs say no point taking meds’ for it as ain’t that high, relax hun you are fine

Oh wow I would be in a constant panic if mine was that high. Thank you though. Your bluntness made me laugh
Oh sorry i didn’t mean to be blunt, how I see it is blood pressure basically means ya heart is at least working lol x you will be fine

No need for apologies. Its refreshing when someone can be straight up. Sometimes I need to hear truths like that.
Blood pressure spikes can go very high , believe me 200/110 I have had many times . I feel faint , sick and my vision goes Smokey . Just part of anxiety
My "high blood pressure" doeant seem so high anymore. It was weird to feel faint when it was up high though. Is that normal?
Everyone is different how it makes you feel . You can feel faint as your not used to it being high
That makes sense. My anxiety makes me feel a lot of random sensations.
Yes I’m hearing you . They change all the time , it sux
Nathsam is right, those 3 readings are nothing to worry about bearing in mind you were a bit anxious when you took them. The only way to get a correct reading is sit down for 5 minutes, don't eat immediately before, put on the cuff and raise your arm to heart level, support your arm, feet together. Then take three readings at 2 minute intervals and divide by 3. That's your blood pressure, in the u.k. the normal limit for upper is 140 over 90, in the u.s. the limit is 120 over 70 but only because the pharmaceutical companies successfully lobbied the American Medical Association to reduce the limits for normal thus bringing them millions of new customers for bp meds. I always say to Americans 'if you've got high blood pressure come and live in England and you wont have high blood pressure any more.'
In the uk the docs give you a machine to check ya own bp 2 times a days for 7 days, it’s weird that when u first check it your anxious and it’s crazy high, you right that you need to sit for 5 mins and just relax as if not it will show on the results 👍🏻

I had one of thise things on for a couple of days that inflated every half hour and took your bp, it's totally impractical to sit down in time for the reading and the sudden shock of this thing unexpectedly inflating caused the bp to shoot up. I think it's value is suspect specially for anxious people.
Has anyone ever heard of aspergillus in the lungs and what did u do about it
Might of been your sugar or dehydrated passing out is from low preasure bloid pressure may not give u any symptoms at all
MollyStark I would react the exact same way as you. That why I have also chosen to do things like diet change and meditation and I do therapy. I truly appreciate the members that take their time to help. I feel like this group has helped me more than any med would. Buts that's just me personally
Its a must i have diabetes when i drink water all day my sugar is like 80 if i don't. Its like 130 or more i drink lemon lime water try it your blood preasure will also go lower guranteed