Hello everyone! I’m 31yo female living with debilitating anxiety.... I had a couple months of very little symptoms since February but since June 1 it’s been bad. I had my blood pressure spike so high on Sunday 187/109 with a very bad head ache that sent me to the hospital.... it was very scary and I can’t stop thinking about it. Even though I’m now on 2 bp meds I still have random spikes. Usually when I’m anxious. But the dizziness and fear of it spiking again doesn’t leave my mind... my headache is finally gone today but I still get the thoughts of hmm? Will my headache come back? Is my bp ok?! I check it every morning and every night. I’m so scared of having a stroke or a heart attack even though I’ve been cleared And am at low risk of the heart attack... I fear a lot of things with my health... as I have 4 kids and don’t want to leave them motherless.... it’s so hard for me function when I can feel my heart pounding slowly out of my chest. I sit there and count the beats... sometimes it’s low at 54 bpm or good between 71-90 bpm. I have been diagnosed with ptsd and gad. But sometimes I’m just in full panic mode... I can’t and will not function. Anyone else living with semi controlled bp and anxiety?!
Blood pressure issues and anxiety - Anxiety Support
Blood pressure issues and anxiety

Hi Nellafella, I just saw your post. I wanted to let you know that I too am on b/p medication that pretty much keeps my numbers in check. (with bpm sometimes
at 58) After meditation and deep breathing my b/p is great but should I get real
anxious about my anorexic daughter, it shoots up to the same numbers as you
(3 digits top and bottom) Pulse also increases at that time.
My doctors are aware of my b/p reacting to anxiety but aren't concerned because
they feel I'm well protected with medication and meditation
and it just spikes for a while. I hope this helps some knowing you are not alone
this can and does happen with anxiety. xx
My anxiety started with a very high spike in BP. 210/103. I ended up in hospital for hours. I’ve never ever had high blood pressure in my life. Now I’m on meds.😔
Somedays now it’s so low, that worries me now. You can’t win with this anxiety. What BP med do you take?

I take lisinopril 20/12.5 and amlodapine 5mg ... I think I over stressed myself Saturday and my bp spiked and lasted until this afternoon because I feel fine now... fingers crossed I stay this way at least for now... my brain needs rest... I’ve changed how I eat I take probiotics I’m walking more.... I really don’t wanna feel like I’m dying everyday. It’s exhausting
I take Atenolol 50mg once a day. This can have a side effect of hair loss guess what I have hair loss! Something else to stress me out.

Oh no! I have hair loss but mines is hormonal!
Stop taking your bp meds and buy a magnesium oil and use that instead. Regulates BP and anxiety levels, go Google it. You're deficient in magnesium.
Hi gggg123
Are you a doctor? I only ask because recommending that someone stops their medication for high blood pressure can be very dangerous.
If you have high blood pressure, this higher pressure puts extra strain on your heart and blood vessels. Over time, this extra strain increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke. High blood pressure can also cause heart and kidney disease, and is closely linked to some forms of dementia.
I know what BP medication does but you can't take both BP medication and magnesium as BP medication artificially lowers your BP where's magnesium naturally lowers it. No I'm no doctor but I know plenty of people who swapped BP medication for magnesium but the OP can keep taking whatever they like, it's nothing to me but a suggestion.
I also take magnesium at night it did help for a little then stopped
If you took magnesium and it stopped working then you are not human, but anyway good luck with you BP and anxiety.
Listen I’m not here to argue about what I should be taking... I’m not going to stop my bp meds because someone on a anxiety forum said I should... even my psychiatrist told me that wouldn’t be a good idea....I’m just here asking if anyone else has or had this problem.... my bp is under control again... but my anxiety is creeping back in after a day of an anxious free mind... but I’ll try and cope... hopefully I get some sleep tonight