Well , on top of my terrible acid reflux and palpitations , and numerous other problems , I have been diagnosed with a fatty liver at 24yo . I am very scared , you can't live without your liver , and this condition can turn into cirrhosis and liver failure . I do not drink alcohol or do drugs , so that's good . It says that it can be reversed through diet and exercise , but both of those are hard for me due to the acid reflux , palpitations, and svt . I am really worried I am dying , at 24yo. Please help .
Really worried now. : Well , on top of my... - Anxiety Support
Really worried now.

Please try to relax.I know your worried but at least it’s reversible ! it’s going to be okay. maybe you should talk with your doctor. about any options available that might help. ?
Can you get on medication for your SVT? I have it too but haven't tried any. Maybe that would help you be able to exercise? Sending good vibes!
Oh ok I understand try a clinic doesn’t charge much. ?
Check out Dr..Axe , his website talks about this.
Take fatty foods out of your diet, take probiotics, don’t lie down till two hours after eating for the reflux, eat slowly, eat finely cut meats.
And non red meats like chicken, and salmon DO NOT FRY!
Try not to overthink this fatty liver diagnosis. The liver is a very resilient organ. I'm 55 and a change in diet helped my liver to recover. At 24 you have plenty of time to address this problem with a few lifestyle changes. Not eating processed meat will help a lot but there's plenty of healthy diet advice out there for you to find something that suits you. Best of luck.
Magnesium helps with fatty liver, also the liver regenerates.

Any certain kind ? Or just magnesium in general ?
Bananas contain a lot of magnesium. I have a medium size banana in the morning to get my stomach working because I'm not so good at eating enough. It's a soft food if you're struggling with swallowing as well.
Bananas per 100g contain about 30mg of magnesium compared to 400mg of potassium.
I'm 26, an RN and recently got diagnosed with fatty liver. I was told by my doctor to avoid alcohol, increase whater intake and exercise as tolerated, and a diet lower in carbs and fat is best. Just changing my diet I started losing weight. Walking is exercise. You don't have to go to the gym and lift a ton of weight, walk around the block a few times and increase the amount of times you walk the block/speed as it gets easier.
I was diagnosed with a fatty liver as well just a few months ago before turning 21, but there's nothing to worry about especially if you do your research. I did. try staying away from fattening, sugary or foods high in sodium. That WILL help with some of the weight loss I myself has lost about 30 pounds due to this.

I've already lost 40 pounds in the past three months, just from stress and loss of appetite. And I went to a gi doctor yesterday and told me not to worry , which didn't really help my anxiety much .
Same situation here! But they're not lying to you like me I think your weight is a huge contribution to your anxiety, just accept it, and work on it DO SOMETHING in my case along with Working I do excercises every morning and night nothing major 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 jumping jacks, 10 squats and a 30 second plank I can do up to two sets but start off doing one and work your way up as I am. Drink lots of water as much as you can. Make sure you get a portion of veggies in your diet daily and as I said before stay away from sweet drinks as well as food and substitute then with fruits. You'll feel 10x better and 10% healthier at least that's how I like to think of it. Idk about you but I know whenever I eat anything either friend or unhealthy I feel sick to my stomach.
Try eating a lot of tuna and fish and take omega 3 fish tablets and you will be fine