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anneavo profile image
17 Replies

I have been having this sense of imbalance for the past 15 months. I don’t have true vertigo, only a sense of imbalance/drunk feeling , with some brain fog and blurry vision sometimes. Usually goes away on its own and comes up pretty randomly. I have chronic neck tension and pain and I go to PT for it.

I have been told it could also be vestibular migraines but I am not sure and I hope that is not what I have. I have no nausea or vomiting , no headaches.

Does someone have anything similar to this? I had MRA MRI VNG TEST CT SCAN BLOOD WORK etc I have acid reflux and palpitations but cardio said this is not caused by this. Please help if you have any suggestions...

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anneavo profile image
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17 Replies
Anxious2befree profile image

I have just gone to a physio yesterday for vertigo but she seems to think it's not vertigo but I feel imbalanced and get quite bad lightheadedness along with my head tilts to the left where I feel like I'm straight and feel better but she said it's not vertigo and to go have my hearing tested. Maybe try that as I'm going to try it and see what answers I get. I have also had an MRI and cat scan as well as bloods amongst other tests and they can't find anything.

Jojo519 profile image

Have you been tested for POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)? I get periods of unsteadiness too, with the feeling like I have just come off a merry go round sometimes, and I have been diagnosed with that. Basically my heart rate rises a lot when I stand up. Maybe ask your cardiologist about that.

anneavo profile image
anneavo in reply to Jojo519

Yeh everything from the heart has been ruled out, plus This is a different feeling that lightheadness, it's more a drunk, imbalanced feeling. I don't feel like I am going to faint but more like brain fog/confused/unstable

HearYou profile image

You may have "crystals" in your inner ears...basically material that builds up and PT may be RX to adjust your head position in different ways to ease the issue. My sister had this for several years, and finally had surgery recently on a tiny nerve from her brain.

anneavo profile image
anneavo in reply to HearYou

Tried that too, nothing works. I am really desperate to find out what it is bc i really depressing me. Thanks for your help

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to anneavo

Have you seen an ENT? How about all the other types of doctors or diagnosis that have been ruled out? Let's try to change this from a fishing expedition to an elimination question, ok? xx Neurologist? Neurosurgeon? ENT? What is a physio.....?

anneavo profile image
anneavo in reply to HearYou

I saw ENT , neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, Physical therapist.

I think it's down to Cervical dizziness or vestibular migraines.

I am NOT a medication person, meaning taking medication can trigger major anxiety because I over react to side effects so trial and error doesn't really work for me.

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to anneavo

What about a neurosurgeon? That doctor finally helped my sister and she is recovering from brain surgery now...a tiny nerve was involved. She is a practicing attorney and doesn't take meds...needs a clear head...but something had to be done as she couldn't drive or fly.

anneavo profile image
anneavo in reply to HearYou

I could try but I don't know what they could do for me since every test I ever done was negative.. I don't know what else they could think of

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to anneavo

So why do you think it's cervical dizziness or vestibular migraines? What did all the specialists SAY it COULD BE? And what are they suggesting?

WHAT ABOUT THE NEUROSURGEON? It took a neurosurgeon to determine what had been plaguing her for over two years.

anneavo profile image
anneavo in reply to HearYou

Neurologist said that I don't have the classic symptoms of vestibular migraines and they suggested I could try antidepressant but because I have palpitations the medicine could be a trigger so I don't feel comfortable with that.he also said that unless I was in a car accident there is no way my neck issues could give me dizziness

ENT also said he's not convinced I have vestibular migraines and he said it could be my neck and said to keep going with Physical therapy.

I feel like they don't know

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to anneavo

Maybe they don't know. WHY DIDN"T YOU CONTINUE WITH PT AS THE ENT TOLD YOU? The neurologists could be wrong.

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to anneavo

What do you mean your "tried" that too? For how long? Who sent you to what type of specialist with what diagnosis? Help us out a little here.

anneavo profile image
anneavo in reply to HearYou

I saw the ENT and he did different manipulation and he said that it's not Crystals, I also did a VNG test (balance test) and it came back negative so he aid it's not ear related.

He sent me to Vestibular reabilitation therapy and they did more testing regarding the cristals and meniere disease.. all negative

anneavo profile image

I have really tight SCM muscles and neck muscles but there is no real testing to understand if that is actually causing the dizziness, I do get dizzier if they manipulate my neck so I do think there is some neck involvement.

Acupuncture sometimes helps.

Because I suffer from digestive issues I already am avoiding a lot of foods so I find it really hard to follow the Migraine diet.

I am not sure if I am scared to realize that this might just be migraines... and I am trying to find other causes

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to anneavo

I'm sorry, but I have reached the end of my basic knowledge, and my sister just called me; she is recovering for Meniere's disease that required some bran nerve issue and a small plate in her head as the last course to resolve her issues. Appears to be recovering well. And deep muscle massage always has helped me when I know I'm using my cane more for balance.

Best wishes to you in your search.xx

Sabw profile image

Anneavo how are you feeling? I have recently begun to think that my unstready periods could be linked to the scm muscle. Would love to hear an update.

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