Trying to go to sleep and it feels like my throat is tight and closing but it's been feeling like this for three hours now so if it really was closing it would've done so by now 😂 I cant get it to go away.. I'm not allergic to foods or anything so it's not actually happening... it's anxiety. Just can't get it to stop. Help?
Throat Tightness: Trying to go to sleep and... - Anxiety Support
Throat Tightness

When behaving anxiously causes a tight throat feeling, calming yourself down will bring an end to the stress response and its changes. As your body recovers from the active stress response, this feeling should disappear as your body calms down. Keep in mind that it can take up to 20 minutes or more for the body to calm down after a major stress response has been triggered.
You can help alleviate this tight throat feeling by relaxing your throat muscles. Gentle throat massage, rolling your neck to release tight muscles, relaxing to music, relaxing in a warm bath, and light stretching exercises, for example, can all help eliminate muscle tension symptoms, including this one.
Try and lay down and play some relaxing music. Google 8 Hour Super Sleep Music: Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Sleeping Music, Relaxation. Play each one that comes up until you find the one that's right for you.
Throats don't just close up like that and nor will yours, it's just Mister A up to his tricks again. Say "So what? So my throat feels strange, why should I care? If you think I'm going to worry myself to death over a blip in my nervous system you've got another think coming! I can put up with it, I don't like it but what the hell I'm not dying, for Heaven's sake! Don't think you've got the better of me, Mister A, I know your secret, if I fight you I just generate more fear which makes you continue, that's what you want but I'm not playing your game, I'm bored with this throat business so eff off and go bother someone else, I'm going to sleep!"
I experience that too xx