I'm sick of this double beat feeling and skipped beat feeling every fucking second it's so uncomfetable. How can this be anxiety I don't understand.
I don't understand.: I'm sick of this double... - Anxiety Support
I don't understand.

Don't quite follow you as you didn't write much to follow.....did you think something but didn't quite get down...?
Anxiety takes a toll on your mind and body your heart is beating odd due to your anxiety causing adrenaline it's the fight or flight you start to feel the adrenaline the anxiety attack and your focussing on it to the point of feeling it speed up it happens to me all the time usually I go full blown panic attack but I'm trying to figure out how to make my mind focus on something else weather it's reading a label or spinning my phone or saying a riddle in my head to draw off the anxiety
Has this been happening for a long time or just recently? It's hard to believe it but trust me when i tell you..Most of us have felt exactly the same way. I still have them at times but i just ignore it now because i know it's nothing that will kill me. It takes getting used to and eventually they will decrease when you start relaxing more. Find something you are really into(sport, video game, movie, learning about something, etc). Once you start paying attention to something else, you won't notice the skipped beats as much. Eventually even when they show up later on, you won't care because you will know it's nothing dangerous.
You might also looking into changing your diet. For me, spicy foods and coffee made it worse so that definitely helped.
Did u ever get these extra beats or skipped beats when u breathed in?!
Are you only getting them when you breathe in? Yes i have noticed them during times when i breathe in as well. If you haven't seen a doctor yet, i would go and check just to make sure everything is good. If they find nothing wrong, then trust them and try doing anything you can to focus on other things. If you keep focusing on your breathing and heart rhythm, it usually just makes things worse.
I've had that during an anxiety attack or sometimes it literally feels like a bird's wings flapping in my chest
I had a stress test and echo on my heart today. All is fine. I also have skips. Has something to do with adreaniline and hyperventalation i quess its wierd and random. Get tested and you will feel better
Ok now I will go into a little detail .
Vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve that connects with heart , stomch etc . An irritation in the nerve can cause an extra / skipped beat . This irritation may be caused by numerous things . This is nothing more than just a twitch like other muscles . I have dealt with the same feeling for years and now I dont fear it anymore because if it were to kill me it had done already.
Hope this helps!
does this explain why it happens when i bend over or breathe in then?
Breathing weirdly or irregularly will irritate the nerve and so will bending over as the stomach is just besides heart and also on bending over there is increase in veinous blood return to heart which can also cause this