Why do i do this: Hey guys.. Ive been doing... - Anxiety Support

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Why do i do this

Lvictoria81 profile image
37 Replies

Hey guys.. Ive been doing so good with not googling or having panic attacks.. EXCEPT for now. Ugh... So if you read my previous posts u could see what im going threw. Well today i looked up throat cancer because im still having issues with my throat and i just shouldnt of done it. I just feel like now i have cancer and throat cancer at all. My throat doesnt hurt just this odd feeling ive been having and i can barely stick my tounge out all the way. No its not globus symdrom. I have an ENT appointment in 2 days for a secomd opnion. But how do i stop makimg myself think i have cancer now.

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Lvictoria81 profile image
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37 Replies
Pontiac1979 profile image

All you can do is let it go and start living sounds hard right now but it's pretty easy start dwelling on that

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Pontiac1979

Im trying to let it go im jist not liking this feeling in my throat and i think i found out what it is which is scaring me even more now

Pontiac1979 profile image
Pontiac1979 in reply to Lvictoria81

What do you think it is

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Pontiac1979

My eplogitis. With all the reasearch i think its cancer there.. I hope its not but idk why its bothering me

blackcat64013 profile image

Hi Lvictoria81,

Have you tried the rubber band technique?

Harriet Lerner Ph.D.

Harriet Lerner Ph.D.

Harriet Lerner, Ph.D. is the author of numerous scholarly articles on the psychology of women and family relationships, and twelve books, including The New York Times bestseller, The Dance of Anger.

" A number of practices and techniques are available to help you loosen the grip of any type of anxiety-driven, unproductive negative thought patterns.

Since I'm not a technique-oriented therapist, I often learn from my therapy clients what works, rather than the other way around.

One woman, Katy, tells me about a technique for managing her unwanted judgmental thoughts about herself and others. She learned it from a woman's magazine she came upon at her hairdresser's.

The article suggested a "rubber band technique" for stopping thoughts. Katy has elaborated on the technique, using her imagination and self-knowledge to create a tool that works for her.

Here's what she does: When Katy finds herself drifting into negative thinking, she snaps a rubber band on her wrist and says to herself in a spirit of playfulness, "Hello again, you silly little critical thought! How are you today?" If she's alone, she may say this out loud. Then Katy puts the thought in an imaginary red dumpster and lets it ride down a railroad track where it gets dumped into a pile at the end of the track.

She doesn't try to stop the thoughts (which is impossible), but she's found a way to say howdy to them, and to use her wonderful sense of humor to give each judgmental thought--these days focused on her "loser brother"-- a little welcome and sendoff.

Katy doesn't think too much about why her brain wraps around "negative thinking" at one point in time and not another. Her belief is that the variations in her thought patterns have more to do with the vicissitudes of her "weird brain chemistry" as she calls it, than anything psychological that she needs to attend to.

No matter. Katy has a gift for silliness, and practicing this technique, combined with daily aerobic exercise, has so far offered her the best relief in loosening the grip of unwanted thoughts."


Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to blackcat64013

Ive tried it. It didnt help because i put my thoughts right back to where they shouldnt be instantly. I focus on a certain feeling & i get determined to figure it out thats when i turn to google because i dont trust drs anymore.

hazyjane77 profile image
hazyjane77 in reply to Lvictoria81

I hear you. It’s so awful to know something is wrong and not being able to trust a doctor to get to the bottom of it.

I hope your throat starts to feel better and these scary thoughts of cancer can go away with it.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to hazyjane77

I hope so too. I want this all to go away. I hate this feelimg so much. Its suxh a horrible feelimg in my throat.

hazyjane77 profile image
hazyjane77 in reply to Lvictoria81

How are you doing today? What if you have some tea and honey to try and help the feeling you have? Maybe just doing something might make you feel a little better?

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to hazyjane77

Ive been trying the green tea & honey it doesnt help. Its so hard to explain this sensation it feels like im gagging on something. Its not globus symdrom. This is like the back of my tongue i think its the uvula. I also had surgery to remove my tonsils and adeoids a month ago.

hazyjane77 profile image
hazyjane77 in reply to Lvictoria81

Do you have a follow up with the surgeon who took out your tonsils? I’d try to see him and ask him to check you out.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to hazyjane77

I already went and every question i asked him about this he said idk. Even when i said how long until im healed he said idk. So now im getting a second opinion from another ENT

hazyjane77 profile image
hazyjane77 in reply to Lvictoria81

I think that’s the right thing to do. I wish you luck and hope everything goes ok 🙏🏼

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to hazyjane77

Thank u so much. This feeling is the absolute worse

hazyjane77 profile image
hazyjane77 in reply to Lvictoria81

Keep us posted. You’ve got people here for support.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to hazyjane77

Thank you. I will let everyone know what the dr says on wednesday

hazyjane77 profile image
hazyjane77 in reply to Lvictoria81

Hang in there.

Just don't think about cancer and focus on what you know you have. to much thinking isn't good for you slow down and take it one day at a time. I want all to be good for you and make sure you set ur mind at a tone where you can focus on what's on your plate, and not what's over there in the garbage ,

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Tarishalovesherse

Thank you. I keep trying to tell myself its not cancer but right now its so hard. Even though i had multiple tests done & blood work and cat scans all came ack fine.. Its just annoying.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Lvictoria81, I don't think there is anything we can tell you right now since Google as put that thought in your mind. However, listen to the ENT doctor in 2 days with his diagnosis. You can't get any better advice than from a throat specialist. Make a promise to yourself that if he tells you everything is okay then you will not think of cancer any more. It's done, it's over with. Celebrate that you are home free. And lastly, never, ever google again. Come to the forum instead and get our support and understanding in what bothers you. It might be less disturbing. Good Luck with your appointment xx

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Agora1

Thank you. Last night was just horrible. I know im gonna have good & bad days but for some reason i took to google. I know i shouldn't of because it just triggered an attack. I was doing so good too. I keep telling myself if it was something i would have other symptoms not just this. Its just a very odd sensation that makes me gag alot

When I was reading books about recovering from health anxiety, there was a chapter about misusing google and the author said that it is very hard to stop using it once we rely on it for reassurance and needing to know what it is we think we have but the author suggested that instead of typing.. for example "headaches" type "headaches and anxiety" because typing headaches is so non specific google tends to highlight the worst possible scenario which causes us to panic but by typing headaches and anxiety it can tell you how the two links.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Healthanxietyhater

Thats a good idea thank you

Oliveira42970 profile image

I completely understand u every time I feel something new I think it’s cancer but I think it’s cause my dad passed away 3 years ago from liver cancer and now I have it in my head that’s what I’m gonna end up with some kind of cancer I wish there was an off button we could just turn off these thoughts ur not alone glad u have a appointment to reassure yourself mine this week is lung cancer and I was just at the doctors last week and he said chest and lungs sound clear but it doesn’t help that I’m a smoker hang in there 😊

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Oliveira42970

Well i went from having a brain tumor to now having throat cancer. No one in my family has cancer so idk why i think this. Well i kind of do. It all dwells from my past nothing every good came to me growing up was hard my relationships were abusive. The only good things that happened in my life were my kids and my boyfriend now and i think thats why i think i have an underlying illness because i just domt know how to be happy and enjoy life. Bad things always happen to me.

Mrworrymaster profile image

Google only shows you what you're looking for, and you're looking for all the wrong things.

I've been there, stay away from google. It has lingering effects that stick with you and fuel your doubt.

Best of luck at the ENT.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Mrworrymaster

Thanks so much. I wont be going to the ENT tomorrow i totally forgot my kids have a half of day and i made my appointment at the time they get out.. Question have you ever had memory problems? My memory has been absolutely horrible i cant remember anything anymore and it scares me.

Mrworrymaster profile image
Mrworrymaster in reply to Lvictoria81

Memory problems. Muscle weakness. Twitching. Balance issues. Speaking issues. Muscle aches. Shortness of breath. Heart racing. Sweating. Panic.

Heck. You name it I had it.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Mrworrymaster

Thats crazy. The memory has just started for me. What do you mean by speaking issues? For me its like i know the word i just cant get ot out and then i feel like theres something wrong with me. Its so annoying.

Mrworrymaster profile image
Mrworrymaster in reply to Lvictoria81

I grind my teeth and think about mouth movement when I speak which causes me to hit my teeth together.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Mrworrymaster

Ahh ok. I used to do that too. Idk how i stopped homestly. I actually forgot i did that until i read what u wrote.

Mrworrymaster profile image
Mrworrymaster in reply to Lvictoria81

Really! That's funny.

Crazy how we can get so fixated on something and cause our own issues.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Mrworrymaster

Exactly its crazy. I wish i could forget about this throat thing but its too annoying i cant.

Mrworrymaster profile image
Mrworrymaster in reply to Lvictoria81

I was focused on swallowing for about three months. Now I'm not and have no issues.

I always gravitate back towards ALS fears. Which sounds silly but it's always a worry of mine.

I workout 5 days a week just to prove to myself I'm not getting progressively weak.

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Mrworrymaster

I feel like i have sone type of cancer or something. I feel weak, tired, memory problems, feelings of me about to pass out. I just want this all to end. I think my throat is not healed yet from surgery or its infected from surgery.

Katie55 profile image

I remember when I was learning about CBT the speaker asked us to close our eyes and tell your brain very loudly “ I can’t swallow “ “ I’ve got a lump in my throat and I can’t swallow “ over and over again for several minutes then. .....eleven out of fifteen of us could Not swallow or gulp or anything Basically proving that if you think of something long enough it becomes real ..You could have cancer yes but think about it ...write it down ...you have seen Doctors seen Specialists Had tests and All have said “No you do not have cancer “ You could ruin your life worrying about cancer and then get run over by a bus But you aren’t going to spend your life worrying about buses are you ?

Something is getting you stressed and you need to think what it is .......maybe you need to talk to your Gp about getting some help like CBT Have you a mother sister aunt friend or someone to talk to Who can help you see the good things in your life instead of searching for the bad stuff

Lvictoria81 profile image
Lvictoria81 in reply to Katie55

Well im seeing a psychologist and he said he is going to set up therapy. But how do i focus pn otjer thinhs besides this. My life just stresses me out. Im a stay at home mother by choice. I was working but then i took time off to heal myself but i dont feel like im healing. My family doesn't really understand anxiety. No one really around me understands it thats why i rely on this website so much.

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