2 weeks ago i feel really good, i thought i finally get rid with anxiety. i just stop worrying and concentrate with other things. but after a stressful week in our office, i start to feel lightheaded again,when i have this i can't control my mind to stop worrying that something bad might happen to me! i feel dizzy when i start feel worried even just a second.
lightheaded - im so tired of this - Anxiety Support
lightheaded - im so tired of this

I'm tired of it too I have constant physical symptoms it is very draining and I was feeling great for a month now it's been back for one week 😩
What other physical symptoms u experience?
Heart pounding
Spasms in the back of my head
Head tightness tension
Those are the main ones at the moment but they always change.
What are yours?
The dizziness is horrible! I have it most days for the first 4 hours after waking and whenever I leave the house. Taking a moment to do slow, deep breathing definitely helps. Please know that you're not alone and its just another sting in the tail of the anxiety beast and can't harm you.
Hi jackf4, The lightheadedness is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety/stress. It is disturbing in feeling we can't think straight or are out of control. The reason for lightheadedness comes from undo stress in our lives whether from a real physical issue or a worrisome thought. Once that happens, our breathing gets out of whack. We start either holding our breath or shallow breathing which causes changes in our brain. Another reason is because we can be dehydrated. Sometimes taking a moment to replenish some fluids in your body is enough to turn that feeling around.
Taking time (for a few moments) out of a busy day to do some deep breathing is beneficial. To start, practice your deep breathing at home daily. Learn to meditate and turn off the stress of the day each evening. During that 5-10 minutes of quiet "me" time practice deep breathing. Over time this will begin to become automatic to you when you are in a stressful position at work. While driving to or from work, while taking a break, your breathing is always with you. It's a tool that can be very important in stabilizing yourself.
I hope this helps some in knowing you are not alone in feeling this way but it can be reversed.
I understand exactly how you feel.. my mind, or body, can never catch a break. Even when I think I'm trying to relax, there's something I'm always worrying about even on a sub conscious level. I suffer from chronic and constant dizziness/lightheadedness for over a year now along with a slew of other symptoms.. is your dizziness constant? or does it come and go?
i only feel the light-headed only when i start to think about it (i dont know why) or when im stressed..but if i focus to other things or make my self busy, i forget about it then i feel good.
i do exercise, drink milk everyday.then sometimes hang out with friends then the symptoms go away
I felt very good this week , thought i was finally crossing the finish line in anxiety , then my bp suddenly got to 150/100 eventhough i didnt feel that anxious or worried it usually rises like this when i have panic attacks , my normal bp is like 110/70 ish ..anyway now i feel worse than ever and im trying to hold my panic and not get a panic attack , because i feel like i may have no hope left , i know there is a solution but i dont think it will ever get better at times , sometimes i feel great