Thinking I need meds ATM . My anxiety is so bad and I'm sure I'm depressed . My trouble is I have tried about 6 different tabs over the last ten years or so and I always get bad side effects . Is Zoloft any good ? Just putting it out there . Need help .
Zoloft : Thinking I need meds ATM . My... - Anxiety Support

Yes zoloft aka hydroxyzine is good i take it no side affects so far

How long have you been on it and is it working ? I'm just so scared
Ive been on it for a month and ive been feeling fine and alot better

Sounding good
Oh yeah and dont google your meds because you enxeaty will make it worse

No def don't believe half of it . I'm just scared because of the side effects of others tabs I tried . Thanx Lorenz1232
Hi Lorenz1232, With respect, I disagree re googling med info. Knowledge is power and also doctors don't always take the time to tell you everything you should know about a new medication. Having more info about your meds is anxiety-producing for many of us but puts us in a better place for getting timely help if we do develop a serious side effect. When I look up meds, I find that most of the time side effects are broken down into categories denoting which are mild, and which may require medical intervention. I would call my doctor if I had questions. Don't be intimidated by a possibly irritated healthcare provider. There are no stupid questions and it is his job to keep you safe. Take care, burmag (Burma)
I did really well with my anxiety on Zoloft. My biggest worry was weight gain which didn't happen. The biggest problem I had was that I am the 1% that gets restless leg syndrome while on it so I had to stop. Luckily it's summer and I do far better in the summer than winter months.
Yer the weight gain is what I don't want but thanx
Hey Jodz, you may gain some weight but it is better than feeling as bad as you do. You can always up the exercise. Go walking in the fresh air. Swimming was my saviour when I was poorly, I just used to get in the water and swim for England. Initially you might not feel like it is doing you any good, but it does after a while. So you can counter the effects of weight gain by exercising more, which in turn will make you feel a lot better as it produces endorphins. Try it, you have nothing to lose. Good luck.
Yes, Zoloft is amazing, and will help. *But* do NOT just stop taking it, even for just a few days. Make sure you wean off of it, as with any medicine, but especially Zoloft. I can skip a couple of days on pretty much any of my meds, EXCEPT Zoloft. You will most likely be an emotional wreck, and feel horrible. This happened to me when I ran out and had to wait just two days without it to refill the prescription.
Going thru that right now OMG so horrible..
Yes, Zoloft is amazing, and will help. *But* do NOT just stop taking it, even for just a few days. Make sure you wean off of it, as with any medicine, but especially Zoloft. I can skip a couple of days on pretty much any of my meds, EXCEPT Zoloft. You will most likely be an emotional wreck, and feel horrible. This happened to me when I ran out and had to wait just two days without it to refill the prescription.
When you weaned off of it and officially stopped taking it did you feel better after officially being clean off of it???
I never weaned off of it. I did stop cold turkey last july, when I was in Georgia and didn't bring enough, and felt okay surprisingly, for the first time. Every other time I had even just missed a few days was absolute hell, but it worked that one time, and I just stayed off of it. Buttttt.... It was a bad idea, and I actually just started taking it again today after getting a prescription refilled.
Hi, I haven't use zoloft for many I recall the side effects were not my issue, I just don't think it worked for me.. I have been on Lexapro for like 3 side effects and seems like a very mild anti depressant....
What really helps me is SFV OG (flower).
I use a vaporizor....screw all these damn pills...
I am currently taking the generic version of Zoloft. For me taking the medicine and seeing my therapist has made a huge difference. I will say that in the beginning it takes a few weeks to see any changes but the combo of meds and therapy for me have again helped a lot. Zoloft isn't for everyone just like any medication so talk with your doctor and see what they recommend if your on a medicine now maybe if it isn't helping the dose isn't right or it hasn't had enough time to work? Each medicine works differently for different people so talk with your doctor and go from there! Good luck!
It has helped me tremendously. But there is no magic pill. It takes time. For the medication to begin it's job. And for you and your doctor to find the right dosage, that works for you. Take baby steps, be kind to yourself. Depression SUCKS! But you can find your piece of happiness and hope. If I can, you can. One example: I love the outdoors. Always been more adventurous, couldn't handle staying inside. And then my life took the wrong road, in the wrong shoes, with the wrong person. I became an introvert, isolating myself from a world I loved. After major amounts of counseling, I eased up on myself. I lived in a beautiful neighborhood, with a private back yard. Baby steps ... one day I opened the back door and smelled the fresh air, looked down at the threshold and said NOPE . ☺ it was up to me to take that step, and felt terrifying yet once I did it I realized I control my next step. Nobody else. Yes Zoloft has helped me help myself. Don't get me wrong, I ran out of my Rx once and within 2 days I felt the bad feelings coming back. Medication is not a crutch, but a very comfortable prosthetic leg that helps me live.
You are beautiful, you will find your smile again!
I had luck with Zoloft in the past and was able to stop taking it. I tried it again last year and it didnt really work for me, but you have to give the Meds a full 4-6 weeks to really see if they work. I worked with a therapist as I was taking the medication so I could be monitored. Today I only take Xanax as needed-- which works for me, but I know everyone is different. I have anxiety and very mild depression. Just give it time.
I have been on Zoloft before I found it didn't work after awhile. I just tried it again and took it for one day and it gave me really bad jitters and aniexty. They say it will go away but I decided not to take it. I take oxyzapam when needed as it's additive.
I also went against it because you can gain weight
I've been on zoloft for nearly 2 months now the side effects at first week weren't the best but it does get better after about 4 weeks but be aware that a tablet that works for one person may not work for the next so have a talk to your doctor and see what they suggest. Hang in there
I tried it once and it hurt my stomach so bad that I stopped taking it.
I was o. Zolft n my 20tys it worked but it didn't do me any good in my 30tys
I tell this to everyone medications are only BANDAIDS for your ailments because once you get off the problem is STILL THERE and sometimes it creeps up on you million times harder after you stop medications.. so yeah it may help you but its just a bandaid always remember that
Sometimes you need a permanent bandaid and I am fine with that. Sometimes it is an imbalance in the brain and you actually need those medications. Sometimes you have a source of anxiety like a chronically ill child and those bandaids work like magic. I don't really care at this point what the source is but I am grateful to my bandaids.
Hey hun
I've been on Zoloft for 12 years only just recently switched to duloxetine as Zoloft was not working and hadn't been working for a very long time but the drs said it would be to much hassle to ween of them etc however it is not it only takes 4 days taking half normal dose then start new meds straight away, so if after 6 months you don't feel better on Zoloft then please change and don't be intimidated by drs telling you any diff
It was ok at first but gained a lot of weight and completely lost my sex drive, since I have stopped I have been "horney" lol every single day making up for all those years of having no driv at all hahaha good luck and hope it works for you