Hey well I have my Zoloft meds 25mgs / antidepressants but I'm soooooooo nervous about how I'm going to feel are how bad will the side effects be. have anybody tryed these pills before?
ZOLOFT 25MGS: Hey well I have my Zoloft meds... - Anxiety Support

Hi Sergio5, don't go by what we say on the forum regarding a medication. Each one of us is different in how we respond to meds. For you, it may be the miracle you've been hoping for to turn things around. I can only speak by my experience with my own fear of drugs at one time. It didn't do any good lining them up on the shelf, it actually made me more anxious seeing that help was so close but yet so far because of my irrational fears.
I do hope you will give Zoloft a try. Your doctor knows what is best for you.
That's so very true I wanna give them a try but I read bad things about antidepressants and it's scary
Sergio5, I am not minimizing the fear of taking medication. I was like that and still am to a point. However, I never read the enclosed pamphlet or Google the medication before taking it. If I did, I'd never take anything since all meds have some sort of side effect. Remember this...the drug companies need to protect themselves and so they write all the possibilities that may happen. It doesn't mean it will happen to you. Your mental health wellbeing is most important to your doctor and so he choose what he feels is the right med for you. Take that leap of faith and give it a chance. You may be very surprised at the positive effects of the drug.
Awesome yes your right I'll give it a go have you been on any antidepressants before? And was it scary?
Sergio5, I am still on an antidepressant... 15mg of Lexapro. Yes, I too was apprehensive at the beginning but have now been on it for several years. I feel the best I've ever felt since anxiety started. Good Luck on taking that first pill. You will be okay. It's a step in the right direction. We're here to support you through this.
Thanks I really do appreciate that really ☺
Sergio, I'll be watching my messages. Keep strong..
25mg is a very low dose. I didn't feel any side effects when I was on Zoloft until I started upping.
I am on zoloft 25 mgs. At first, I had problems with having to run to the bathroom but that has settled down and now I don't have any side effects. My biggest problem is anxiety and I am not sure how much they help with anxiety. I also take another med. for anxiety, but it's still a challenge. Sometimes I feel fine; other times, it's a challenge. Right now, I am listening to calming music and doing deep breathing and that helps somewhat. All the best to you.
I'm not gonna lie to you-- the first few days of taking Zoloft was hard. My doctor informed me that my anxiety might increase because my brain wasn't used to the sudden increase in serotonin, and it admittedly was pretty bad for about three days. However, after the fourth day I started feeling like myself again. I had no anxiety, and while I feel a little jittery today (though the two cups of coffee might have something to do with it) there haven't been the hours of all-encompassing panic that I experienced a week ago. Both my therapist and my family even noticed the immediate change in my behavior, saying it was like night and day.
It might be different for you. The most common side effect you'll probably feel is drowsiness. Maybe you'll experience dizziness or nausea, maybe you'll feel the increased anxiety like I did, or maybe you won't experience anything at all. Whatever happens, keep on your regular dosage until you can see your doctor again. Don't just stop taking it. Everyone's reaction to medications are different so I can't say that it'll work as quickly for you as it did for me, but Zoloft is typically known to be a drug that brings about fast results, so don't give up!
I hope things go well for you. Stay strong, do things you love doing, and keep your doctor or therapist informed of what's going on while on the meds. They're there to help you. c: