Some days I think I'm getting better, and then I'm hit with 2-3 days of anxiety/exhaustion. Up and down. I figured it would be working better than this by now. I have a dr. Appointment tmrw... I'm not sure if she'll up my dosage or switch medications or stop them all together. I'm not getting any bad side effects, I'm just still not close to where I need to be in order to live a happy life. So discouraged
any words of advice or similar experiences?
Discouraged.. Week 5 on zoloft: Some days I... - Anxiety Support
Discouraged.. Week 5 on zoloft

You have improved some and it's still only 5 weeks
You may have increase and another week or 2 start having more good days. Hang in there
Hi AnxiousAmy, Just a reminder that with an SSRI it's not going to be a magical turnabout. That's why it's not good to focus on the number of days/weeks you've been taking the medication. It is a slower process than the antianxiety and not as clear as to when it's working. Your doctor will know and I'm glad you have an appointment tomorrow. In regards to yourself, you won't really notice the change until after the effect. Looking back you will realize that you are doing better and feeling better. You won't feel like the med is doing it but that you are changing for the better. It will all come into play. x
Instead of looking at the amount of days or weeks you are on this, start looking at how much improvement you have made. couple days are great and then a couple of days are not so great. Thats OK! Stay positive, pray, and you will see the number of good consecutive days will increase. Remember that there are good days and they will come.
Also, are you speaking to a therapist while taking these meds? Therapy, like CBT, coupled with the medication you are taking, I have heard can work extremely well for people.
Stay focused on things that will get you through the days, don't focus on the uncomfortable feeling and you will see how fast the day goes by and how great the next day will be.
Prayer is a powerful thing and just remember, God is always listening and ready to help you. You just have to ask. =)
If you need anything dont be afraid to ask.
Thanks all for your kind words! I knew I had to be patient... But I guess I'll just have to test my patience a little more! I do pray and always feel a slight releif afterwards knowing that I'm in his hands!
Hope you are all feeling well today!
Hang in there you doing good you just go to remember to have patience there's no quick fix I wish there was but over time you'll get to where you want to be! Good luck
Hi Amy, I know this is an old post. Are you still on zoloft? If so, how are things?
HI David!
Things are really good! I am still on Zoloft.. am taking 150mg and I can happily say I’m back to my old self! I may have had 2 panic attacks in the past 2 years... I used to have one every day! I hope this brings you comfort in that you aren’t alone and there is hope for recovery!
Hi Amy! Great to hear you’re back to your old self! I’m currently on 50 mg - it’s been 5 weeks and so far so good. Although I have some dizziness going on. I’ve read that’s one of the side effects.
Dizziness used to be a symptom of my anxiety that used to scare me into a panic attack. I don’t know why but my panic attacks always began with a dizzy spell and the assumption I would faint (I never once did) but the fear was very real. Since on Zoloft, I have had a scatter slight dizzy spell but that’s it. It ends there. Instead of “oh my god I’m dizzy I’m dying” it’s “oh... weird” and I continue on with me day! Important to remember is that dizziness is very rarely an indication of a serious illness, and it is a side effect of anxiety, and medication! Stay well!
I agree Amy that thought was always in the back of my mind as well.
It would then lead into the "what if". Once anxiety was under control
so was that dizzy headed feeling. We live and we learn through our
experiences with anxiety. It's nice when we can share positive thoughts. xx
Nice to see this! Im on week one of Zoloft lol my main anxiety symptom is I hope it helps me.
Hi Amy,
Yes, my dizziness started back in September during a stressful period.
Anxiety and constant worry made things worse. Was hoping the Zoloft would help but I guess I have to give it a little more time. Knowing it’s not a serious illness does help but it’s just annoying. 😊
Hey did the Zoloft help?? I have mine sitting on my counter but I’m scared

I had dizziness and off balance issues and going back to antidepressants helped a lot !!! I take Lexapro !
Are you suffering with dizziness ?
Dizziness and much more .. feeling spaced out .. like I’m out to pass out... shaky inside... butterflies ... scared to go anywhere

The Zoloft changed my life. I am finally my old self again. I know this isn’t the resolution for everyone and I didn’t think it would help me.. but it did.. it took a few weeks and a lot of patience.. but bit by bit I was improving. Best of luck to you!
That’s so awsome! Thanks for coming back to help and answer our questions!


Yes, it definitely helped. I was only on 50mg for 4 months and then doctor weaned me off. So far so good. Just some dizziness every other day or so.
How did the meds work for you
Hi Amy, I’m so glad to hear you are doing so well now. I feel I’m about to give up on it. I’ve been on sertraline 11 weeks now with 5.5 weeks on 150mg and I feel like my anxiety is worse than ever ☹️ X
Hello Amy, Glad to see you're doing well. Curious to know how you ended up at 150mg. How long did it take to get to that and at what stage did the relief start to kick in?
I haven’t posted here in so long.. but received an email that you commented on one of my old posts! It’s kind of surreal thinking back to this time.. I was desperate. However, to this day, I am still taking my zoloft .. over the years I have alternated between periods of taking 150mg and 125mg. Currently taking 125mg daily! I can’t recall an exact time relief kicked in per say… it was like sudden. It was the kind of relief that is gradual, and that one day, when I looked back, I thought “wow… I’m actually functioning again.”. I would say please give it a couple of months before you make any decisions to stop/try something else. Hang in there! There is relief!