Last week I had my MRI of the brain and cervical spine. It was ordered quickly as my Neuro. was concerned about my neurological deficits upon exam.
I deal with a number of other physical health issues - I'm in surgically induced menopause and am unable to have HRT, I've had previous spinal surgeries and due to anaphylaxis to multiple medications, my pain issues are difficult to manage as well as my mental health issues.
I saw my psychiatrist today who is a wonderful doctor, and we talked today about how tough the last 2 years have been. He knows I try hard, and he thinks I'm really making progress. I've also suffered severe trauma in childhood, and we talked about how this early conditioning to fear and trauma makes difficult life events harder to deal with.
Today I tried so hard when I left my appointment - went to lunch with Hubby, and bought some new autumn plants for my garden.
But.....I don't know. I just feel so tired right now. Of everything. Of coping, and using my coping skills to get through every day. I wish it was easier. I guess I just want a break from it all, just for once. As we all do! But I know with anxiety, we have to keep our anxiety coping toolbox open at all times.
I also just don't know if I'm kidding myself that a lot of my symptoms are 'just anxiety' - there is so much cross over from anxiety symptoms and real neurological problems.
I'm scared of the results of the MRI too I suppose - I don't know right now of course what the outcome will be but I don't think I could face any more Neuro. surgery at this time. I just need a break - a bit of peace. And some light at the end of the tunnel that one day I can enjoy more stress free and tranquil times.
Sorry to offload - I just needed to get this out as bottling things up are adding to ruminating thoughts, and that's never good for anxiety I know. The panic attacks have been bad again the last couple of weeks, as well as the dreaded morning anxiety. Relaxing and floating always helps - but sometimes I just wish this easier.