Let me preface this by saying until the very tail end of age 25, I never had any physical like anxiety symptoms. Me and my family had 2 go through a rough patch where we thought we were gonna lose our family dog of 13 years, but 4 the moment, he ended up being OK...then all this started 4 me. It began with my heart racing, body tightening up on me, numbness, dizziness and chest pains. The doctor cleared me and said it was nothing blood or heart related. It took me awhile, but those symptoms went away...then it was replaced with bad tension headaches that even affected my vision and I started obsessing since nothing was checked with my brain, that I had some sort of brain tumor. Then that symptom subsided and was replaced with my body feeling tingly and constantly feeling like my body is I guess rubbery is a good way 2 describe it, like I'm constantly gonna fall over and I've had some vision issues again and light sensitivity, also an occasional weird cough. It goes away 4 a few hours and comes back. This all has happened over just a few months and even though I have an appointment on the 27th, it's just so long 2 wait!! I wake up every day thinking I have some form of cancer that's making me feel this way. Things do go away every once in awhile, but it's all I ever think about now! It's just difficult getting any peace of mind cuz I haven't been diagnosed with anything anxiety related officially and I just don't know what's going on with my body...the waiting just seems unbearable, but I'm trying my absolute best 2 be strong and not think I have anything terminal! I also really appreciate everybody's support the short time I've been on this site!
The Waiting Game: Let me preface this by... - Anxiety Support
The Waiting Game

Apparently this is a common thing amongst anxiety sufferers. I've been having nearly the exact same symptoms, but unfortunately, I looked alot up on google because of the issues I was having. Here's what I'm dealing based on my post I made on here a few hours ago. Hope it helps you feel like you aren't alone. I just wish I could get a scan or doctors meeting to discuss my concerns without it being dismissed as anxiety. "So I'm 22 and I've been dealing with anxity for seven weeks now. As of a week ago, I've been having headaches and pain in my right arm and above my right eye. I've also been having tingling in the right arm, leg, and my left side around the armpit, as well as chills. I've been so worried I have a brain tumor because it lasted a little over a week. Then I get to thinking, oh it has to be it because my anxiety came out of nowhere (despite drinking about 5 energy drinks a day for at least 2 years). I also had to quit one anxiety med I've been for three weeks and switch to another, after quitting the first one cold turkey on doctors orders. My issue is that whenever I go into the clinic or ER for issues and raise the brain tumor thing, they think its just anxiety. I want the scan to put my mind at ease, but it doesn't look like anything will happen. It feels like I'm loosing it."
I'm actually really surprised u got meds that fast. Lol. Usually seeing a doctor takes an eternity. But yeah, I know it's soooo difficult trying 2 trust the fact u don't need a brain scan. All we can do is trust the doctors! Thank u 4 the words though! I know we're all in the same boat together with this!
Yeah, started lexapro about three weeks into this, then had to stop because it made me sicker than a dog. I also looked up side effects which is a big no no, as with anxiety, it can cause you to replicate symptoms. So I had to stop cold turkey and let it leave my system. Now I'm on zoloft (the generic named version) now, but dealing with the weird things happening during the period where my body has to get used to it, like being super dizzy and shakey while laying down, as well as this headache and arm weirdness that makes it feel like a brain tumor. Hopefully things get better though, as dealing with this is not a fun in the slightest. My biggest issue now is getting a hold of a counsellor to talk to as I think that would be the most beneficial.
Oh yeah! I've been having 2 currently deal with all the symptoms u just described! Very frightening feeling! Happy you're on the right meds now. Sorry 2 hear u were sick 4 a bit...anyway, thanks 4 the reassurance about my symptoms.
A lot of people are going through what you are. Anxiety is common throughout most people in some form or another. You can choose to combat it in a lot of ways. You can choose to go to the doctor and look for medicine, try to alleviate it through exercise and diet, try see a therapist or a mix of all of them. I would suggest trying a healthier diet and exercise regimen and if you still feel bad see a doctor and maybe take some mmesiecene

I agree. I'm not in bad shape and I exercise, but I know my diet is not good. Lol. Definitely need 2 improve that! Also, u r right about that. If the doc does give me meds, I'm not gonna solely rely on those. Using meds is only half the battle!
Sooo sorry your going through all of this... Let me tell you that all of your symptoms are very common with someone suffering from anxiety. It's a viscous cycle of symptoms and you really feel like something is wrong with you. You will probably be tested for everything and come up clean and healthy. One thing I can say is that... you just described your trigger. Your dog almost dying was what triggered all of this. Go and see aa psychiatrist to see whay options are available for you and know that you are not alone. We are here with you and for you.
Thank u 4 the kind words again! This is all very new 2 me and I'm still learning how 2 cope. I very much realized the fact that the thing with the dog was more than likely the trigger...but yeah, after I c the doctor and more than likely get a clean bill of health and potentially meds, I very much was heavily considering seeing a psychiatrist! Thank u 4 the kind words again!