Today was a tough one . I keep feeling like maybe this is why it feels like right before you die. It scares me so much because anxiety is sooo weird and I'm new to it. I'm tired of having it I just want it to go away.
I keep thinking I'm dying : Today was a... - Anxiety Support
I keep thinking I'm dying

I get this feeling too fairly frequently, i just try to reassure myself that it's my mind playing tricks on me, I wish I had some helpful advice but just know you aren't alone in these feelings and I'm here if you need someone to talk to
Hello, I can relate to what you are saying. I've battled anxiety disorder and panic attacks for most of my life, and I'm a senior. Two years ago it went far past the point I've ever been at. EVERY day I think about my demise. I know it is wasting the good days/years I have left but cannot get control of it. I try to practice mindfulness but the brain takes me back to "imagining" what and how I will deal with if we have a choice. I am logical enough to know I'm being illogical but cannot get control. This morning my teeth were chattering with fear along with the shakes. Yes, I take medications, I have tried MANY different practices of "self help" (to no avail) and also went the way of naturopathy, CBT classes, tapping, meditation music, you name it I've tried it. How I'd like to be like those who never think about death, who say "why worry about it now?" I see an endocrinologist in Dec. regarding a nodule on my adrenal gland and I'm beyond terrified. Out of curiosity do your thoughts seem stronger early in the mornings when you first wake? That is when a person's cortisol level is at it's highest...the hormone for "fight or flight". Hang in there. You are not alone.
Yeah it sucks because before anxiety I was so full of life . I love life itself and the fact that I get random thoughts that I'm dying literally sucks the life out of me. I'm just scared
You are definitely not alone with thise feelings. I have them every single day all day and it is extremely exhausting! I recently was prescribed medication for anxiety and it does help. I also made an appointment with a counselor so i can get help and learn how to deal with this anxiety or learn how to control my mind better and stop it from tricking me so much! Talk to a professional it does help!!
Thanks for the reply. Once I think about it once it's like my whole mood is ruined .. I try to calm myself down with affirmations but then I think about the what ifs.. I'll just keep fighting at this point
I think it's called health anxiety . But I can totally understand where you're coming from
this post may give you some ideas
Hi a also sttuggl with dying part its on my mind 24/7 scary m hatd to deal with a get sore head dizzy boady fells weird horrible dont no how mutch more a can take
Yeh defo dose that am scared to sleep in case a die get sore heads dizzy feel weak
Just scary dont no how many times been to docs to get told its anxiety waiten to go see a cbt had thia type off anxiey 9 years ago scaty stuff just scared to sleep in case a die also hate geting out bed to see watt symptoms a get next
I'm currently laying in bed because I just don't want face the day juuuust yet . It's hard . I've been too many doctors and they tell me that also . Never knew anxiety could do all of this
Anxiety can give scary thoughts, physical symptoms dizzyness,sickness, loose stools.chest pains. Headaches etc etc.the only way to get rid of it ? Is let the thought come and go and try to accept them without being afraid.also except the dizzy spells sickness etc .once you accept them they will get fewer and fewer and they won't bother you .
That's what I hear a lot of ppl saying . Let it ride and it will go away . I hope so. How do you cope with anxiety ?
Hi I still get days where I get anxiety but it dosent worry me anymore I just say to myself it is just thoughts my mind playing tricks on me,and remind myself how bad I have been in the past and how far I've come.and I say come on do your worst I've got things I want to do today.and it just goes again and I just carry on .the key is to accept the symptoms and weird thoughts and have no fear of takes lots of practise but you will lose your fears and feel so much better.
Same hear a told doctors a dont no how mutch more a can take a keep thinking am going to end up in hospital n a will be dying n leaving ma kids and husbands behind also get scared amd panicky off everything the dying parta killing me the most
I swear I feel you girl . I know where you're coming from . But we have to remember that it all thoughts that manifest into real physical symptoms . We are worrying ourselves sick literally. If we can slowly think positive thing I'm almost willing to bet this hell would cease . I hope everything gets better for us
Aww thanks never new lot ppl have same symptoms as my self so scary
If you don't have any serious health conditions, then it is just your anxiety playing tricks. You can tell yourself that you are healthy and okay and that that thought is just anxiety and you aren't going to pay attention to it. Then go and do something to prove to yourself that you are okay: walk, clean, organize something, phone a friend, etc. In addition, if you are not seeing a therapist, perhaps you should be. Cognitive behaviour therapy and support groups are very helpful to deal with anxiety. Eating properly, getting some exercise, sleeping, and doing as many normal, everyday things as possible will also help. The more you do, the more confidence you will gain, and the anxiety will gradually decrease and hopefully dissipate altogether. If your anxiety is extreme, you can also talk to your doctor about meds., if you feel that might be an option.
Thank you for this very nice of you to respond . I really hope I can nip this in the bud cause anxiety is such a miserable feeling ... are you recovered from it?
Hi.just want to tell you to try not think about it.i have been a long time sufferer of anxiety and have done lots of research on the matter.i have come to this conclusion:the more we think of a negative thing the more accustomed our subconscious mind becomes and without realising we have trained our minds to fear every little thing,healthier or other.teach yourself to stop this way of will take time and effort but trust in yourself and gradually it will make anxiety subside.
All the best
I am getting there. I am not totally recovered yet. However, there is considerable improvement. A few months ago, I was afraid to do almost anything. Now I am driving, back at work, doing chores around the house, and meeting people for coffee or dinner. I still feel anxious, especially in the mornings, but I am functioning much better than I was. I do abdominal breathing exercises, listen to calming music, pray, do positive visualizations and affirmations, get plenty of sleep at night, do not drink anything with caffeine, write, and try to do productive things, one thing at a time, with small breaks in between. I am seeing a psychologist and am on meds. for the time being.
Well that's great that your on the upper side of it. It's a process and it takes time. But you seem to be headed in the right direction . Gives me hope .
Thanks am waiten to go see a cbt for anxiety relly hope it helps am fit and heathly appart from anxiety but the sore heads are worse it makes me think am going to die even more
Hi I was that way but now I am healed the best way is to remind yourself that everyone is gonna die some day, accept how you feel, the symptoms but like some one watching a traffic and not as some one in the traffic. Let your thoughts move by like cars but never allow yourself to dwell long on them
I'm not sure where u live but I do know that some cities or countries have a number u can call just to talk to someone about how ur feeling!! I know I'm going to try it cuz I've been feeling the same as u!! And it's not at all a very good feeling!!
Hi is there a number for glasgow as am so feaked out with it all scary
Ano we ate going to die one day but why do we fell like this every day n get so scared off it cause if fells so real
Is any off yous all ways tired n whant to sleep is this anxiety pls help
How do yous cope with sore heads its freacking me out and am scarex to sleep in case a dont wake back up way it is this anxiety playing tricka on me